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Issue date: 

Amazonian indigenous peoples against REDD

Peruvian indigenous organizations along with the Forest Peoples Program, an international non-profit that defends the rights of native forest-dwelling peoples, said in a recent report that carbon emission reduction programs tied to the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, or REDD, a United Nations-led program, are hurting indigenous rights.

Issue date: 
December 1, 2011

REDD+ needs to invest in alternative livelihoods before making carbon payments

REDD+ projects need to be ready to make upfront investments to help local communities to develop alternative sources of income before implementing other aspects of the scheme such as conditional payments for protecting forests, a scientist says.

Issue date: 
November 27, 2011

A Change of Heart on Investing in the Climate

When State Street Global Advisors, the investment management arm of State Street Corp., offered its first

Issue date: 
June 01, 2011

Drivers and consequences of tropical forest transitions: options to bypass land degradation?

June, 2011. Meyfroidt, P.; van Noordwijk, M.; Minang, P.A.; Dewi, S.; Lambin, E.F.. Policy Brief 25. ASB Partnership for the Tropical Forest Margins. 4 pages*


Issue date: 
December 02, 2011

Short-term climate funds on track, doubts over future

(Reuters) - Rich nations are on track to deliver on their promise to supply $30 billion in short-term climate financing by the end of next year to help poor countries tackle global warming.

Issue date: 
December 02, 2011

Norway accused of hypocrisy over RI deforestation funding

Norway has been accused of climate hypocrisy in Indonesia, where it has won plaudits for financing forest protection even as its state pension fund allegedly secures even greater revenues from logging, plantations, mining and other environmentally destructive practices.

Issue date: 
December 02, 2011

COP-17: Bolivia’s forest proposal gets little attention

BOLIVIA has tabled a new proposal on forest conservation, but has so far been disappointed by the lack of attention from other negotiators, it said yesterday at the United Nations (UN) climate- change talks in Durban.

Issue date: 
2 December, 2011

Newly released draft REDD+ text is robust and emphasises transparency but fails to address verification

The UNFCCC’s scientific sub-committee SBSTA has released a draft text on REDD+ that will go forward to a plenary session of the COP on Saturday for discussion and approval.

Issue date: 
December 2nd, 2011

NZ sawn timber exports drop away

New Zealand’s sawn timber exports to China have been ‘hammered’, while raw log shipments surged in the wake of Beijing’s efforts to cool the economy and amid increased sales by rival forestry nations such as Canada, according to an industry lobby group.Lumber exports fell 16 percent to $264 milli

Issue date: 
2 December 2011

Special Report: Post-Kyoto Uncertainty Hits Home for European Offsets

Voluntary carbon credits were created to reduce CO2 in countries without existing carbon “caps."  But European corporates also like them, looking to invest in local projects that are not always kosher under Kyoto.


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by Dr. Radut