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External News

Issue date: 
August 20, 2011

Time to fell obstacles to tracing wood products

There is a massive re-rating of native forest going on, even as world resolve to tackle climate change crumbles.

Issue date: 
August 20, 2011

The Conservation and Management of the Forests of the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania

The forests of the Eastern Arc Mountains (EAM) in Northeastern Tanzania contain exceptional species richness of local and global importance. They are recognized by WWF as a Global 200 Ecoregion, and by Conservation International as a terrestrial biodiversity hotspot.

Issue date: 
August 20, 2011

Tropical forest CO2 fertilisation: self-mitigation of emissions possibly around 15 percent

In which case increased tropical forest density would sort of average out emissions of tropical deforestation. [Is it just us or do you share the feeling something is uncomfortably unsustainable about that comparison?]

Issue date: 
21 August 2011

Suriname follows Guyana in climate change policy making

PARAMARIBO— Neighbouring Suriname is following in Guyana’s footsteps by formulating policies to counter the impact of Climate Change.

Issue date: 
22 August 2011

Plan to sacrifice forest for sugar puts economy before ecosphere in Uganda

Issue date: 

Biomass remains a low-carbon energy priority

Biomass is still the most viable way of reaching global carbon emissions targets despite fears that it could result in a rise in food prices, according to a comprehensive study in the journal Environmental Research Letters.

Biofuel is being used throughout much of the US and Europe but is generally manufactured from crops and so adoption of the alternative energy source could push up food prices.

Authors in the journal said policies needed to be put in place to safeguard food prices.

Issue date: 
Aug 23, 2011

Govt plans tree credits, village forests to improve green cover

NAGPUR: The Maharashtra government will soon introduce the concepts of 'tree credit' and 'village forests' to improve green cover in the state. Both initiatives will be implemented by the social forestry department (SFD).

Issue date: 
August 23, 2011

Metso supplies technology for French biomass plants

Metso will supply automation and environmental technology to control five biomass power plants to be built by Dalkia in France. The investments are part of France’s national green energy program, which aims to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and curb climate change.

Issue date: 
August 23, 2011

Wis. officials start work on timber clearing plan

Australia passes national carbon trading scheme for agriculture, forestry


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by Dr. Radut