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External News

Issue date: 
8 August 2011

Forest certification: a small step towards sustainability

It can be hard to know whether the forest products you buy have been produced sustainably. Forestry certifications were established to give a bit more certainty, but what do they really mean? When you buy a certified product, are you necessarily helping the environment?

Issue date: 
June 20, 2011

Silence of the Lambs

SLATE: On a typically warm, muggy evening in Phnom Penh earlier this year, I asked a twentysomething British woman for directions to Titanic, a restaurant overlooking the Tonle Sap River.

"Why?" she asked.

Issue date: 
22 July 2011

Reducing biodiversity impacts from logging in Guyana

Recent studies have indicated that modern forestry methods associated with Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) and certification schemes, significantly mitigate the negative effects normally associated with logging in tropical forests.

Issue date: 
22 July 2011

International Forest Carbon Association (IFCA)

Carbon Positive is involved with a number of participants in the forest carbon sector to establish a representative organisation, the International Forest Carbon Association (IFCA).

Issue date: 
2 August 2011

Government approves carbon accreditation scheme

In a UK first the British government has approved a carbon accreditation scheme set up to recognise business' efforts to capture and store carbon.

Issue date: 
19 July 2011

GEF Approves Four REDD+ SFM Projects in New Funding Window for Forests

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) has approvoved the first four projects to access incentive funds available for sustainable forest management (SFM) and REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries, as well as conservation, sustainable management

Issue date: 
August 06, 2011

Warning on Ta Ann practices

A MALAYSIAN parliamentarian has visited Tasmania's native forests with a warning over timber company Ta Ann's business operations in his home country.

Issue date: 
5 August 2011

FSA warning over carbon credit trading schemes

Issue date: 
Aug, 07 2011

Piloting REDD safeguards principles

Nigeria has initiated pilot programmes on two related Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) strategies that seek to ensure that REDD activities do not have adverse impact on non-carbon interests.

Issue date: 
August 7, 2011

GFC and the Forest Products Development and Marketing Council should join the global best practices in reporting

Dear Editor,


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by Dr. Radut