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External News

Issue date: 
April 8, 2011

Revealed: scandal of carbon credit firm

A SYDNEY carbon credits company thought to have been running some of the world's biggest offsets deals appears to be a fake, shifting paper certificates instead of saving forests and cutting greenhouse emissions.

Issue date: 
April 7, 2011

If Govt refuses, Norway will provide details on projects

The Alliance for Change on April 1, met with Norway’s Environment Minister, Erik Solheim, and his team during his visit to Guyana to express their concerns. The meeting was described as very fruitful.
Alliance For Change Presidential Candidate, Khemraj Ramjattan, yesterday told media operatives that the Norwegian Minister has committed to providing the opposition parties with information related to the projects associated with the US$250M that country will provide to Guyana over the next five years.

Issue date: 
07 April 2011

Government mulling changes to Barama’s investment agreement

BARAMA Company Limited yesterday gave assurance that it will recommence plywood operations for local consumption in June and for overseas by December, as it seeks to re-employ some of the displaced workers sent home after the closure of the plywood plant.

Issue date: 

Well-known Indian coffee-maker taps Guyana's furniture wood

Issue date: 
April 7, 2011

Sluggish Timber Sales Continue in March

Finland, April 7, 2011 - The forest industry purchased one million cubic metres of timber from private forests in March, almost a third more than in February. Birch pulpwood must be imported, because the supply in Finland is insufficient.
Demand for timber is good and there’s particular interest in stands, which can be harvested in summer.

The aggregate January-March purchase volume, 2.8 million cubic metres, was down more than a fifth from the corresponding period of 2010.

Issue date: 
April 7, 2011

Mondi : Proposed Demerger of MPSA

South Africa, April 7, 2011 - Mondi Group today announced its intention to separate its interest in Mondi Packaging South Africa (MPSA) via a demerger whereby all the ordinary shares in MPSA held by Mondi Limited will be distributed to the Mondi Limited ordinary shareholders. MPSA would be listed under a new name on the securities exchange operated by the JSE Limited (JSE).

Issue date: 

McKinsey's REDD role

Issue date: 
April 8th, 2011

Chinese Investment in Canadian Forestry is Soaring

Recent trends indicate that there have been significant growths in Canadian forestry from Chinese investors.

Issue date: 
April 8, 2011

Struggling Northern forest communities need voice on tenure

April 8 /CNW/ - "By shutting out the North, the Ontario government has just put another nail in the coffin of our province's once-thriving forest sector," says the leader of Ontario's largest forestry union.

Issue date: 
Apr 5, 2011

Asia Pulp & Paper Group Partners with Carbon Conservation on Vision 2020: A Roadmap to Global Leadership in Sustainable

JAKARTA, Indonesia, Apr 5, 2011 - Asia Pulp & Paper Group (APP) announced today it is expanding its partnership with Carbon Conservation by engaging the environmental and sustainability consulting firm to help craft Vision 2020, a roadmap to guide sustainability principles, goals and program execution across all aspects of the company’s Indonesian operations from today to the year 2020.


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by Dr. Radut