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External News

Issue date: 
21st March 2011

Impacts of REDD-plus in Southeast Asia

Issue date: 
21st March 2011

Global Witness’s role on the UN-REDD Policy Board

This page contains further information on the UN-REDD Policy Board and documents relating to UN-REDD, including Global Witness’ reviews of proposed national REDD+ programmes and reports from Policy Board meetings.

Issue date: 
24 March 2011

Kenyans Soft-Launch New Carbon Exchange

24 March 2011 | NAIROBI | As Europe’s carbon registries slowly reopen after the more vulnerable among them were hacked in January, a new exchange – the African Carbon Exchange (ACX) – was soft-launched here on Thursday.

Issue date: 
Mar, 27 2011

Ecuador, not Nigeria, grabs $4m UN-REDD fund

Nigeria’s high expectations at accessing funds to effectively kickstart its National Programme for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) were somewhat dashed last week in far away Da Lat, Viet Nam, where a gathering of experts took stock of the climate change mitigation strategy.

But an innovative interim funding grant to the nation along with hopes for a better tomorrow seems to serve as a welcome consolation to the beleaguered delegates.

Issue date: 
March 22nd, 2011

Log shortage halts work for many in British Columbia

Arnold Bercov, president of the Pulp, Paper and Woodworkers of Canada Local 8, is very concerned that shipping raw logs out of British Columbia is coming at a cost to many local mills.

Issue date: 
21 March 2011

Systematic Use of Fertilizers Can Save Forests, Fight Climate Change - Study

Issue date: 
24 March 2011

The Russian forests are at the focus and under close examination

Issue date: 
14 March 2011

International: Biodiversity And Livelihoods - REDD-plus Benefits

The importance of biodiversity and livelihood aspects within the design of REDD-plus has been recognized at many levels. Achieving these multiple benefits will require new levels of collaboration among different actors at national and international levels.

Issue date: 

Green Injustice: Environmentalists practice Corporate Social Irresponsibility

It's trendy to talk about "corporate social responsibility." The idea is companies have obligations beyond making a profit for their shareholders or creating products and services that their customers want; they have responsibilities to wider society as well.

Issue date: 
March 16, 2011

5 Actors, 5 Trends, a Continent of Complexity


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by Dr. Radut