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External News

Issue date: 
13 July 2010

Businesses 'profit from investing in nature'

Businesses can and should take a key role in stemming biodiversity loss around the world, a report concludes.

The latest report from The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (Teeb) project argues that many sectors have a stake in protecting nature.

Issue date: 
Jul. 09, 2010

For mill towns, China beckons

Pine trunks rumble down conveyors and sawdust clouds the air. The noise inside the sawmill nearly deafens, but in this remote town of 3,500 people, some 700 kilometres north of Vancouver, there are few sounds as welcome as the buzz and clatter of a mill back at work.

Issue date: 
Jul 12, 2010

European Parliament votes to cut illegal timber out of the EU market

The European Parliament has voted in favour of legislation banning illegally logged timber imports into the European Union. The new legislation bans illegally-harvested timber or timber products from being placed on the EU market. This will prevent such wood from effectively being laundered once it reaches the EU. Currently, at least 20% of timber and timber products reaching the EU market is estimated to come from illegal sources.

Issue date: 
July 5, 2010

Italy-China Partnership: Poplar-based Agroforestry Benefits Millions

Nestling on the North Jiangsu Plain, with a population of 1 million inhabitants, Siyang County is an ideal showcase of the integrated capacity of poplar forests to restore marginal flood plains, stabilizing the banks of the Yellow, Huai and Yangtze rivers and, directly and indirectly benefiti

Issue date: 
June 24, 2010

What will it take to make sure REDD+ is safe?

As international policy frameworks and pledges of billions of dollars move REDD+ forward, many observers remain concerned over how to ensure the lofty promises being made for global forest conservation will actually provide broader social and environmental benefits.

Issue date: 
June 03, 2010

Forestry dept: development must balance with environmental protection

Forestry officials have warned this week that all development projects need to take environmental protection into account, to ensure the sustainable growth of the national economy.

Issue date: 
July 7, 2010

Technical Support for the Development of REDD Projects in Malawi, USAID

Working with the Malawi, Environmental, Endowment Trust (MEET), and Bioclimate Research and Development, on a project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Issue date: 
July 9th, 2010

NZ forestry production and trade data released

NZ forestry production and trade data for the March 2010 quarter is now available on the web. Details can be found at address below*. Key points - compared with the same quarter of the previous year (March 2009) are;

Issue date: 
July 9th, 2010

Australia increases both Eucalyptus and pine chip exports

Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity of Forests - intrinsically bound toegether and to REDD+

Recently someone sent me a special issue about Ecosystem Services of the EU DG environment

When starting to read this leaflet I began to realize the difficulties of Central European Foresters (CEF) in understanding why the rest of the (biology/ecology/forestry) world is going to have endless discussions on how to differ between biodiversity and ecosystem services when applying forest management.


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by Dr. Radut