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External News

Issue date: 
Jun 23, 2010

We're financing UN on conservation of forests'

Norway pledged $1 billion to Indonesia from its public money to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD). Norway's environment minister ERIK SOLHEIM spoke to NARAYANI GANESH on the sidelines of the Oslo Climate and Forests Conference (OCFC) on May 27 where rich countries agreed to spend big to save forests in developing countries:
Issue date: 
23 Jun, 2010

Carbon farming will alter land use

NEW Zealand’s emissions trading scheme gives this region opportunities to make money, and will change the way marginal land is used.

Carbon sequestering will change the way forests are managed and will make the establishment of unharvestable forests economically viable, two carbon farming experts told landowners, farmers and foresters at a carbon forestry workshop presented yesterday by the University of Canterbury and Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

Issue date: 
21 June 2010

Kenia to be Africas ETS Hub

[NAIROBI] Kenya has announced plans to establish a regional carbon emissions trading scheme to steer Africa's carbon market.

Issue date: 
June 14, 2010

CDM Critics Demand Investigation of Suspect Offsets

UNITED NATIONS -- A broad coalition of activists are charging that as much as a third of all Kyoto Protocol carbon offset credits ever sold to banks and governments could be illegitimate because they were generated by firms manipulating the marketplace.

Issue date: 
June 21

Our View: Future of wood-fired plants key energy issue

A study that says biomass plants are worse than oil is not the last word on this subject.

Issue date: 

Forestry Land Use - A Chorus of Rusty Cogs

There aren’t many beards in evidence at Citola’s offices, but we hope you’ll know what we mean when we say we’ve been doing a lot of beard-stroking when it comes to the issue of the UN climate change talks.

Issue date: 
June 2010

Forum on Readiness for REDD

June 2010: A survey of the UN-REDD programme

Issue date: 
June 2010

Real-Time Evaluation of Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative

The Norwegian Government launched its International Climate and Forest Initiative in December 2007, pledging up to 3 billion Norwegian kroner per year to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD). 

Issue date: 
June 20, 2010

Govt looking seriously at ethanol from molasses project – Jagdeo

President Bharrat Jagdeo said more land may be made available for sugar cane cultivation since his administration is now “seriously” looking at producing ethanol from molasses, in keeping with the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) which promotes the use of biofuels.


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by Dr. Radut