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External News

Issue date: 
January 6, 2010

First-Ever Study Quantifies the Economic Impact of Private, Working Forests in the U.S.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (December 2009) -  A new study, commissioned by the National Alliance of Forest Owners (NAFO) and conducted by Forest2Market®, quantifies the economic impact of private, working forests on the U.S. economy.

Issue date: 
January 4, 2010

Gradual rebound forecast for forestry

As 2009 came to a close, Canfor Corp. announced it would invest $16 million to upgrade its Chetwynd sawmill for a planned re-opening this spring.
After a 20-month shutdown, the restart will put about 70 people back to work.

Issue date: 
January 5, 2010

Congo Republic timber giant slashes workforce

BRAZZAVILLE (Reuters) - Congo Republic's biggest logging firm has almost halved its workforce because the global recession has cut demand for wood products, the firm said on Tuesday.

Issue date: 
January 6, 2010

Gunns commits to plantation wood for Bell Bay pulp mill

GUNNS' proposed $2.5 billion Bell Bay pulp mill would begin operation with 100 per cent plantation timber, the company said today.
Issue date: 
December 21, 2009

South American Environmental Trusts Join Columbia Center to Create Amazon Forest Carbon Credits

Five environmental trust funds in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru have joined with Columbia University’s Center for Environment, Economy, and Society to establish the Amazon Forest Carbon Partnership, a collaboration to reduce carbon emissions and provide an economic alternative for forest dwelling communities and commercial enterprises in the Amazon. The issue of forest carbon credit, in which wealthy countries offset their emissions by compensating land holders for preserving forests, was a core point of negotiations at the global climate summit in Copenhagen.
Issue date: 
December 21, 2009

Do they think we are all idiots?

Falling carbon price could result in higher bills, energy firms warn

Climate change has no time for delay or denial

Issue date: 
January 4, 2010

Global softwood lumber markets were mixed in 2009 - up in China and Africa, while slow in the US

(SkyNewswire.com)--- Seattle, USA. Softwood lumber markets continued to be weak in Japan and the US during the 3Q/09, but have improved in Europe and, surprisingly, northern Africa, according to the Wood Resource Quarterly.

Issue date: 
January 5, 2010

PES, Present, and Future: the Year in Environmental Finance

2009 opened with the formation of a new Office of Ecosystem Services and Markets and closed with a disappointing Copenhagen Accord that nonetheless included provisions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.  EM takes a brief look back on the year in PES and the decade it capped off.

Issue date: 
December 27, 2009

2009: a year in review of rainforest protection

2009 may prove to be an important turning point for tropical forests.

Lead by Brazil, which had the lowest extent of deforestation since at least the 1980s, global forest loss likely declined to its lowest level in more than a decade. Critical to the fall in deforestation was the global financial crisis, which dried up credit for forest-destroying activities and contributed to a crash in commodity prices, an underlying driver of deforestation.


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by Dr. Radut