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Issue date: 
29 Feb 2012

Warming to Ignite the Carbon Bomb

Rising temperatures are drying out northernforests and peatlands, producing bigger and more intense fires.

Issue date: 
February 29, 2012

Possible embezzlement halts WWF-run REDD project in Tanzania

Two conservation and community projects in Tanzania have been halted after the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) reported possible corruption.

Issue date: 
February 29, 2012

Stora Enso successfully issues seven-year EUR 500 million Eurobond

Stora Enso successfully issues seven-year EUR 500 million Eurobond Stora Enso has today issued a EUR 500 million seven-year bond under its EMTN (Euro Medium Term Note) programme. The new bond pays a fixed coupon of 5.5% and will mature in March 2019.

Issue date: 
February 29, 2012

Global sawlog prices fell in late 2011

Global sawlog prices fell in late 2011, especially in lumber export-oriented countries such as Western Canada, Finland, Sweden, Russia and New Zealand, reports the Wood Resource Quarterly. 

Issue date: 
28 February 2012

43 European states negotiate binding legal framework

The representatives of 43 European countries – the 27 EU member states plus the European Commission, Russia and other non-EU European countries – have begun negotiating a legally binding agreement on sustainable forest management in Europe.

Issue date: 
February 3, 2012

National Options for REDD+ Environmental Safeguards: Operational Guidance

This six-page guide, based on the Nov 2011 full technical paper, presents six categories of options for operationalising the Cancun safeguards.

Issue date: 

Governments Embrace Carbon Voluntary Market

A growing number of national and regional governments are likely to use voluntary carbon credits to meet mandatory climate targets, a report by U.S. research company Ecosystem Marketplace said on Thursday.

Issue date: 
Mar. 02, 2012

Korea to Plant Trees in Indonesia for Carbon Emission Credits

Korea plans to receive 100 million tons of carbon emission credits over the next decade in return for planting trees on a 200,000-hectare plot of land in Indonesia.

Issue date: 

Zimbabwe gets its first taste of REDD+

Zimbabwe’s first REDD+ project has been successfully registered with the Community, Climate, and Biodiversity Standard at the Gold level. The project, developed by South Pole Carbon and Carbon Green Africa, is currently undergoing validation under the Verified Carbon Standard.

Issue date: 
February 21, 2012

New study highlights need for REDD+ to look beyond carbon

BOGOR, Indonesia (21 February, 2012)_A new study on rubber plantations highlights the need for the REDD+ climate change scheme to further consider biodiversity and rural livelihoods.


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by Dr. Radut