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External News

Issue date: 
January 17th, 2012

Forest Products Sector Council urges collaboration with Aboriginal peoples

Developing effective, local partnerships with Aboriginal peoples will be a critical factor in helping the Canadian forest products sector address future labour force requirements, according to a new report from the Forest Products Sector Council (FPSC-CSPF).

Issue date: 
Jan 17, 2012

Georgia-Pacific Completes Sale of Business in Italy

Today, Georgia-Pacific has announced that it has completed the sale of the legal entity in Italy to Cartiera Lucchese (Lucart Group). A definitive agreement for the sale was announced last November and this closing concludes the sale process.

Issue date: 
January 18, 2012

Should EU plan be given another chance?

IT will be interesting to see whether Malaysia will finally decide to support the European Union's (EU) new timber regulation that will come into force in January next year.

Issue date: 
Jan 18, 2012

Norway pledges $300 million/year to green world's power

(Published by Thomson Reuters Point Carbon)

Issue date: 
January 18, 2012

Rainforest in Transition: Is the Amazon Transforming before Our Eyes?

The Amazon rainforest is in flux, thanks to agricultural expansion and climate change.

Issue date: 
20th January 2012

Small farmers in big industry earn consistent income

Smallholders, with less than 50 ha in Malaysia, are earning a steady income from the production of palm oil, which is linked to the large-scale corporate industry manufacturing oils, cosmetics components, biofuels, natural fertilisers and soaps, says Malaysian Minister of plantation industries an

Issue date: 
April, 2011

Study on REDD-plus Related Activities by Japan

This presentation was made on 10th April, 2011 at the REDD+ Partnership meeting and workshop held in Bangkok, Thailand. The presentation discusses Japan’s involvement in REDD+ activities.

Issue date: 
August 4, 2010

Engaging the Private Sector in the Potential Generation of REDD+ Carbon Credits : An Analysis of Issues

Climate Focus led a team of experts to analyze opportunities for involving the private sector in the generation of REDD+ credits for the UK Department for International Development (DFID).

Issue date: 
January, 2011

Proposals from the Private Sector for Engagement at Scale in REDD+

In response to requests by senior representatives of leading companies, this project of the World Economic Forum aims to identify opportunities for greater engagement and investment in REDD+ activities for the private sector across the value chain, including by addressing drivers of deforestation

Issue date: 
9 January 2012

Deforestation and Destruction of Wetlands Heats Up Kabale

Kabale — In the early 1990s Kabale was nicknamed "The Switzerland of Africa" by white settlers because of its cool weather. But with environment degradation and accompanying high temperatures, the name rings hollow.


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by Dr. Radut