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Forest carbon

Issue date: 
22 July 2011

International Forest Carbon Association (IFCA)

Carbon Positive is involved with a number of participants in the forest carbon sector to establish a representative organisation, the International Forest Carbon Association (IFCA).

Issue date: 
2 August 2011

Government approves carbon accreditation scheme

In a UK first the British government has approved a carbon accreditation scheme set up to recognise business' efforts to capture and store carbon.

Issue date: 
5 August 2011

FSA warning over carbon credit trading schemes

Issue date: 
August 05, 2011

The Omens of Offsetting Linger on REDD

As the number of public sector financial mechanisms targeting REDD+ has increased, and consequently the volume of money flowing in to REDD+, observers are increasingly pointing out that the public sector alone cannot supply the huge sums

Issue date: 
Jul 4, 2011

Women Grow Carbon Money on Trees

KATHMANDU, Jul 4, 2011 (IPS) - When Bina Tamang was told that she could earn money by not felling trees in the tiny forest that serves as the source of fuel and fodder for 65 families in her area, the 27-year-old was incredulous.

That was two years ago. In June, when Tamang was informed that she and over 100 other groups like hers, that have been sharing forests as community property, had been awarded cash incentives worth 95,000 US dollars disbelief gave way to joy.

Issue date: 
July 24, 2011

A Slow Start for the for Carbon Credit Market

WASHINGTON — As U.N. talks keep failing to agree how to raise money to protect forests, private investors are testing a trade in credits to slow the deforestation that emits as much carbon as all the world’s cars, ships, trucks and planes.

Issue date: 
28 July 2011

UK announces certification standard for forest carbon storage projects

The UK government has announced new scheme to assess the carbon captured and stored by forest projects initiated for carbon sequestration.

Issue date: 
JULY 29, 2011

New private property concept may rip off those on the ground

Just like private property, carbon sequestration credits can now be bought and sold on national or international markets.

Issue date: 
July 28th, 2011

The Anatomy of the CER Price Melt Down

Some 6 weeks ago the price of a CER (certified emission reduction created from reducing greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries using the CDM or clean development mechanism of the kyoto protocol) was 13 Euro and the emissions markets were looking healthy.

Issue date: 
14 July 2011

New Methodology for Measuring Emission Reductions from Reduced Deforestation Stands to Unlock Carbon Revenues for Poor Communities

A new methodology for quantifying emission reductions from projects that reduce unplanned deforestation could help unlock carbon market revenues for countries and poor communities across Africa, Asia and Latin America, boosting the conservation of forests and creating new livelihoods.


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by Dr. Radut