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Forest carbon

Issue date: 
December 31, 2010

Ecosystem Marketplace: Voluntary Carbon Markets - Status at beginning of 2011

As Ecosystem Marketplace wishes you and yours some New Years luck in this special edition, we offer a look back at 2010 – replaying your reader-ranked Top (20)10 Stories and sage predictions for the coming year from some of the market’s most influential players.

Issue date: 
July 20, 2010

UN-REDD Q&A on REDD+, Version July 2010


What is the UN-REDD Programme?

Issue date: 
31 December 2010

2010: the Year in Forest Carbon

31 December 2010 | REDD burst into general awareness at the end of 2009, when the Copenhagen Accord recognized the need to reduce gr

Issue date: 

World Bank, UN Program to Offer Panama 8.9 mln USD

Panama will receive 8.9 million U.S. dollars from the World Bank and a UN emission-cut program to mitigate the impact of climate change in the country, the National Environmental Authority said Monday.

Issue date: 
27 Dec 2010

Indonesia’s Corruption Legacy Clouds a Forest Protection Plan

Flying over the Indonesian half of the island of New Guinea, rainforest stretches like a sea of green, broken only by rugged mountain ranges and winding rivers. The verdant canopy shows little sign of human influence. But as you near Jayapura, the provincial capital of Papua, the tree cover becomes patchier — a sign of logging — and red scars from mining appear before giving way to the monotonous dark green of oil palm plantations and, finally, grasslands and urban areas.

Issue date: 
December 28, 2010

Trees planted in China to neutralize carbon emissions of UN conference

Shanxi, Dec. 28, 2010 (Xinhua News Agency) -- A newly planted forest will neutralize carbon dioxide emissions from a UN climate change conference as China ups its efforts to combat climate change, an official said here Tuesday.

Issue date: 
December 25, 2010

Fund company Banco: Forest companies are the largest carbon emitters

When the fund company Banco would make their environmental funds carbon-neutral, they discovered that two forest companies accounted for half of the funds' carbon dioxide emissions writes dn.se.
The forest companies, SCA and Stora Enso looked like real environmental villains in comparison with other companies according to Banco. - They must become better at managing their emissions or we will eventually reduce our holdings in the companies, "said Sacha Beslik to DN.se

Issue date: 
December 23, 2010

REDD in the Congo – new report from World Rainforest Movement

The forests in the Congo Basin, the second largest area of tropical forest in the world, are receiving increasing interest.

Issue date: 
November 2010

Building Forest Carbon Projects

Developing forest carbon projects is complex and often daunting for project proponents, whether they are from the private sector, civil society organizations or government agencies.

Issue date: 
December 20, 2010

Contracting for Carbon

Forest carbon payments – payments for restoring or planting forest, or for preventing forest degradation or deforestation – can help to prevent and reverse forest loss.


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by Dr. Radut