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Issue date: 
Jul 21, 2011

Indonesians Await Forest Tenure Reform

SESAOT, Indonesia, Jul 21, 2011 (IPS) - Barbecue fires along the winding trail through the Sesaot forest reserve act as guides for delegates walking to an international forestry conference at a nearby beach resort.

The delicate aroma of skewered dices of meat roasting over open fires wafts over the trail. Women, assisted by their children, are doing brisk business selling the ‘satay’ to the visitors.

Issue date: 
July 18, 2011

Taking stock of trade and the planet’s woodlands in the International Year of Forests

Forests provide vital resources to humanity, both directly in the form of timber and non-timber products and indirectly in the form of ecosystem services, such as biodiversity, carbon storage, and soil and watershed management.

Issue date: 
July 18, 2011

Brazil’s Deforestation Quagmire – Analysis

A string of recent events indicates that Amazonian deforestation and violence against environmental activists are on the rise.
The Brazilian Congress’s lower house approves a bill that weakens protection of the rainforest—which may explain the drastic increase in deforestation, as land clearers anticipate amnesty for their crimes.

Issue date: 
18 July, 2011

Wealthy households driving deforestation, says new study

BOGOR, Indonesia (18 July, 2011)_High income households are responsible for 30 percent more deforestation than low income households, according to preliminary results from the Poverty and Environment Network’s (PEN) global study, suggesting that it is wealth, not poverty that is driving higher ra

Issue date: 
14 July 2011

Forest ownership can significantly improve people’s lives

Reforming forest tenure systems and securing forest ownership rights can significantly improve peoples’ livelihoods and enable them to gain income from forest products says a new United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) report .

Issue date: 
May 20, 2011

Forestry Investments in Emerging Markets

nvestments in forestry have many desirable features. Under certain conditions, forestry investments yield attractive returns to investors and can contribute substantially to the economic, social and environmental development of countries.

Issue date: 
June 30, 2011

Readying Africa for REDD+

Delegates meeting at the 16th UN Climate Change Conference held in Cancún, in December 2010, agreed on a framework for addressing the essential elements needed for comprehensive international action on climate change – the Cancún Agreements.

Issue date: 
Jul 1, 2011

Amazon Deforestation Rates Double as Farmers Anticipate Pardons

Deforestation rates in the Amazon, the world’s biggest rain forest, more than doubled in May as Brazilian farmers become more confident they’ll be granted amnesty for illegal logging.

Issue date: 
Jul 11, 2011

Public debate on REDD+ and forest justice

A public debate about the potential for emerging conservation initiatives to make international forestry fairer for local communities in developing countries will take place at UEA London on 20 July.

Issue date: 
Jul 15, 2011

Beyond Carbon Cowboys: Private sector engagement & experience in REDD+ in Asia

“Forest Carbon projects are not quick and easy, and they are not cheap“, say private sector forest carbon project developers across Asia. How has the private sector engaged across the region? What have been the main challenges in different countries? What lessons have been learnt?


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by Dr. Radut