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Issue date: 
September 4, 2012

Consumer demand 'can influence sustainable forestry'

Harvesting forestry sustainably and profitably is entirely possible, but requires consumers and businesses to pressurise governments into action.

Issue date: 
Sep 5, 2012

Conservation and Military Objectives Met Through Land Acquisition

JACKSONVILLE, Fla, USA, Sep 5, 2012 - Georgia Land Trust (GLT) was awarded a grant from the Department of Defense (DOD), as part of the Readiness and Environmental Protection Initiative (REPI), to purchase 5,500 acres from Rayonier Forest Reso

Issue date: 
26 July 2012

Ten Central African countries agree to improve forest monitoring

A new regional initiative will help ten Central African countries to set up advanced national forest monitoring systems, FAO announced today.

Issue date: 
26 July 2012

UNFCCC Releases Technical Paper on Financing Options for REDD+

26 July 2012: The UNFCCC Secretariat has released a technical paper (FCCC/TP/2012/3) on financing options for the full implementation of results-based actions relating to the activities referred to in decision 1/CP.16, paragraph 70 (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in

Issue date: 
Jul 31, 2012

East Africa's forests shrink, especially near parks

Issue date: 
2 August, 2012

Deforestation now driven by profit, not poverty

The main drivers of deforestation worldwide are no longer subsistence-level farmers trying to put food on their tables, but corporations, converting massive tracts of land for industrial agriculture, said the founder of the Mongabay website, adding that this offers a rare opportunity for conserva

Issue date: 
July 30, 2012

First of Its Kind Multimillion Dollar Trust Fund Launched to Protect Guyana's Forests

The governments of Guyana and Germany along with Conservation International launch fund to protect critical ecosystems, maintain global carbon stocks and benefit local communities
Issue date: 
August 30th, 2012

Forestry’s shrinking talent pool

The National Post made mention today of the shrinking talent pool for Canada’s forestry sector.

Issue date: 
August 27th, 2012

REDD+ revisited - steady pace or passed momentum?

Two years ago Focali published an update on the latest development in REDD+ pilot initiatives (Focali Brief 2010:04). We now revisit the REDD+ scene to take a look at what has happened with the initiatives, investments and readiness work as the negotiations seem to have lost momentum.

Issue date: 
August 29th, 2012

REDD+ initiative for saving forests in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

THE FORESTS in Pakistan are severely threatened by growing consumption of fuel wood and illegal logging. It is feared that if immediate action is not taken this natural resource would be totally consumed within next 15 years.


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by Dr. Radut