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Issue date: 
June 1st, 2012

NZ log export markets update

New Zealand Exports

Issue date: 
May 30, 2012

Aid projects shut down after reports of fraud

Issue date: 
29 May 2012

Memo to Rio+20: 'green economy' doesn't mean monetising nature

Issue date: 
May 30, 2012

Studies show land rights key to saving forests

Issue date: 
31 May 2012

The Bid to Save Nigeria's Rainforests

With the lyrics of American rap legend Tupac Shakur pumping from the car stereo, 36-year-old Steve Okoikpi manoeuvres his Mercedes Benz through sharp bends on the road.

Issue date: 
01 June 2012

Legal clarity on REDD benefit sharing mechanisms critical to avoid future disputes, says study

Legal clarity and consensus on which government institutions have the authority to make regulations on how to share benefits from REDD+ among stakeholders are critical to ensure the process’ legitimacy and avoid future disputes, recommended a study conducted by the Center for International Forest

Issue date: 
April 28, 2012

Moving Forward with Forest Governance

It is widely acknowledged that improving forest governance is an important prerequisite for sustainable forest

Issue date: 
28 May 2012

Logging in tropical forests: not all is lost

As tropical forests give way to cities, roads and soybean fields, what’s left behind is a collage of forest remnants and ‘secondary’ forests that regrow after agricultural lands are abandoned.

Issue date: 

China adds 60m hectares of forest area

China's total forest area has increased to 195 million hectares from 134 million hectares in 1992, marking a net gain of 60 million hectares within 20 years, the State Forestry Administration (SFA) said Monday.

Issue date: 
June 9, 2012

The Green Party's proposal to better protect the Swedish forest

The Swedish Green Party unveiled six proposals to better protect the Swedish forest. The Green Party is working for a modern forest management committed to taking advantage of the richness of Swedish forests today and manage wisely for the future.


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by Dr. Radut