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Issue date: 
April 16, 2012

EARTH MEANDERS: The Great Rainforest Heist

The world’s pre-eminent environmental organizations, widely perceived as the leading advocates for rainforests and old growth, have for decades been actively promoting primary forest logging [

Issue date: 
21 April 2012

REDD-iness: Bhutan stands to gain but various issues need to be considered

Bhutan is slowly gearing towards developing a national strategy on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD +).

Issue date: 
April 20, 2012

Learning for the future: forestry training and education

National and international focus on forests and forestry has grown rapidly in recent times. New factors are coming into play and an increased understanding of forest-related processes and how to manage them for the greatest benefit is required.

Issue date: 
April 17, 2012

Global community needs to invest in MRV capacity in forest-rich developing countries to make REDD+ work

The international community needs to help developing countries increase their ability to measure and monitor the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that they save by safeguarding their forests if a UN-backed climate change mechanism known as REDD+ is to attain its objective of cutting emissions,

Issue date: 
18 Apr 2012

Eco forestry rewards scheme 'hits problems'

Developing countries are struggling to make a new eco forestry rewards scheme work, says a new report.

Issue date: 
April 18, 2012

Africa and the CDM: a dead-end

Given the dismal state of carbon markets currently, it is baffling that there is a push to expand them to the African continent; yesterday the Africa Carbon Forum opened in Addis Ababa and next week there is a two d

Issue date: 
19 April 2012

Beyond Carbon: Ensuring Justice and Equity of REDD+ Across Levels of Governance

Deforestation of tropical, old-growth forests in least developed to rapidly developing countries in the Global South is a topic that is receiving unprecedented attention.

Issue date: 
April 18, 2012

Saving forests? Take a leaf from insurance industry's book

A group of environmental scientists say a problem-ridden economic model designed to slow deforestation can be improved by applying key concepts from the insurance industry.

Issue date: 
17 April 2012

Including Mangrove Forests in REDD+

REDD+ preparations have focused on terrestrial forests but recent studies show the carbon sequestration potential of mangrove forests in coastal swamps

Issue date: 
April 22, 2012

FAO Releases Asia-Pacific Forestry Briefs

April 2012: Policy briefs resulting from the second Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study (APFSOS II) highlight concerns with biodiversity loss in the region, a need for improved governance and better forest management at the field level, and a call for enhanced training and awareness of for


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by Dr. Radut