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Issue date: 
February 05, 2012

Charest announces conservation plan for Quebec's north

MONTREAL - Quebec will turn 20% of its vast northern territory into internationally recognized protected areas, a plan Premier Jean Charest said is one of the largest conservation projects in the world.

Issue date: 
6 February 2012

Paid for Keeping the Forest Alive

Issue date: 
February 7, 2012

Focus on protecting wildlife, not commercial forestry practices

Instead of protecting wildlife, the proposed wildlife preservation act focuses more on giving more power and dominion to an incompetent forest department widely criticised for its commercial forestry practices, said speakers at a discussion yesterday.

Issue date: 
7 February 2012

A big day for our Wapichan people

The 7th February 2012 is a very important date for the communities of the Wapichan people of the South Rupununi  in Guyana: on this date, we will present to the national and international communities a m

Issue date: 
Feb 8 2012

Forest cover falls to 23.81% of total geographical area

India’s environment ministry has blamed Maoist rebels and shifting cultivation practised in the country’s north-east for a drop in forest cover.

Issue date: 
7 February 2012

Climate Conversations - How to design a REDD+ project

REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) aims to reward or compensate tropical developing countries for keeping their forests intact or for reducing

Issue date: 
09 February 2012

Govt spends half of climate funds

Dar es Salaam. Tanzania has only spent half of Norwegian funds on Reduced Deforestation and Land Degradation (REDD), the ambassador of Norway, Ms Ingunn Klepsvik has said.Speaking to The Citizen recently, Ms Klepsvik said despite halfway expenditure on Norwegian REDD funds, the country has performed well in terms of preparedness in absorbing REDD funds in the future.

Issue date: 
February 09, 2012

Humans drove rainforest into savannah in ancient Africa

Three thousand years ago (around 1000 BCE) several large sections of the Congo rainforest in central Africa suddenly vanished and became savannah.

Issue date: 
09 February 2012

Behind the forest cover

In its latest report, the Indian government has attributed the declining forest cover in India to forest clearance by Maoist guerrillas. The statistics, however, say the contrary.

Issue date: 
February 10th, 2012

wi to the rescue at Gunns

Earlier in the week the news broke that a New Zealand-born billionaire was in negotiations with Gunns to buy a substantial part of the Tasmanian-based timber company. Gunns shares went into a trading halt on Tuesday and on Wednesday morning the company announced that they have agreed on commercial terms for the introduction of a AU$150 million investment from the Richard Chandler Corporation (RCC). In conjunction with a rights issue to existing shareholders, the recapitalisation aims to raise up to AU$280 million.


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by Dr. Radut