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Issue date: 
October 31, 2011

UD didn’t pursue abuse of aid funds

Audits finally conducted of Norway’s foreign aid to Tanzania revealed irregularities and corruption, but critics claim Norwegian officials reacted much too mildly.

Issue date: 
31 October 2011

Rufiji Delta Project Still On

Replacing community conservation of mangrove forests at Rufiji delta in favour of fortress conservation by the state to meet carbon trading needs will not work.

Issue date: 
November 02, 2011

Interpol, U.N. to train police in REDD host countries

Interpol and the U.N.’s main environmental arm are join forces to help rainforest countries prevent land grabs motivated by carbon trading, and take action against illegal logging.

Issue date: 

Creating markets to pay for public good offer promise, peril

Over the past 50 years, 60 percent of all ecosystem services have declined as a direct result of the conversion of land to the production of foods, fuels and fibers.

Issue date: 
November 4, 2011

Draft law proposes steps to halt deforestation

KARACHI, Nov 3: A revised version of the decades-old forest act suggests critical changes in key government powers to protect what little is left of forests, including the establishment of a settlement committee to determine the status of land, measures to ensure community participation, increase

Issue date: 
18 October 2011

100,000 community foresters to help green India

Agartala : India will engage 100,000 educated youths to execute an ambitious Green India Mission (GIM) which seeks to increase the country's forest cover to 33 percent from 20 percent within 10 years, says a top forest official.

Issue date: 

Korea to plant millions of trees in China

CHANGWON ― Over the next five years, Korea will channel 3 billion won ($2.6 million) to plant millions of trees along the border areas of China and Mongolia to prevent the expansion of yellow dust storms here.

Toward that end, the Korea Forest Service (KFS) signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) Tuesday with the two neighboring states on the sidelines of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) conference in Changwon, South Gyeongsang Province.

Issue date: 
October 21st, 2011

First Nations want to dissolve Two Feathers Forest Products initiative

Two Feathers Forest Products is a partnership formed in 2008 between Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation, Pikangikum First Nation, Eagle Lake First Nation, and the Wood Tech Group from Finland with the goal of supportin

Issue date: 
October 21, 2011

Transparency Report Card urges stakeholders to ensure tranparency in forest management

The 2010 Annual Transparency Report Card has recommended to stakeholders to lend support in ensuring transparent and accountable forest governance in the management of Ghana’s natural forest resources for present and future generations.

Issue date: 
October 23, 2011

The increasing importance of the ‘patchwork’ approach for REDD

Last month, the second edition of State of the Forest Carbon Markets,was released.


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by Dr. Radut