UN-REDD: Bolivia
Bolivia is a country with an important extension of forest land, as approximately 50% of its territory is covered by forests. Bolivia is also vulnerable to climate change. Such vulnerability becomes evident in the increase of droughts threatening food security in the highlands, as well as in the rise of floods in the lowlands. For decades, the country has experienced important changes in its forest land – mainly due to changes in land use. Nowadays, it is estimated that 330,0003 ha of forests are lost every year.
There are several causes for deforestation and forest degradation in the country, which vary according to region. The most important are agricultural expansion for the supply of agro- industries and an increase in the number of small farmers who migrate to the lowlands due to droughts and lack of opportunities in the highlands. Unsustainable logging, as well as wood trade has a crucial role in forest degradation and – even more – in deforestation.
The Programme |
The Bolivian Government has been carrying out efforts to improve its policies in different sectors (such as Environment and Forestry); it has also sought to improve development strategies and plans, and regulations within the Forestry Sector. Several barriers hindering the implementation of REDD mechanisms in Bolivia have been identified. The UN-REDD National Joint Programme will support Bolivia in its efforts to overcome such obstacles and will ensure national REDD+ readiness. In order to achieve this goal, the Programme will support capacity building at a national and local level with the purpose of achieving the following outcomes and outputs: Outcome 1: “Improving capacity among national government institutions for implementing REDD+ activities, and monitoring and assessing carbon stock in forests”.
Outcome 2: “Improving civil society’s capacity for implementing REDD+ activities”
Outcome 3. “Generating REDD+-related experience at a local level, with the participation of territorial bodies and the civil society”
These activities will allow integrating and deploying REDD+ components in plans, programmes and budgets of the involved institutions. In parallel, relevant actors will be trained to ensure that Bolivia achieves REDD+ readiness within the established deadlines and in a sustainable manner. The future contribution of the NJP, through its components for implementing policies to fight poverty and promote human rights, is considered of particular importance. The REDD+ Programme will be included in the policies that are relevant to forest degradation and deforestation. Through all its phases, the NJP will emphasize the involvement and participation of all actors – especially forest-dependent indigenous peoples – with the aim of ensuring an adequate assimilation and sustainability of REDD+ topics and the instruments to be developed within the Programme’s framework. Furthermore, the UN-REDD NJP includes important coordination efforts and cooperation actions for Bolivia. Such efforts for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation are being carried out with the assistance of the World Bank and the German Cooperation. |
From scoping to inception |
March 2010 Budget allocation approved by the Policy Board during its 4th meeting February 2010
January 2010 On 18 January 2010 a successful validation meeting of the Bolivian UNREDD National Joint Programme was hosted by the Bolivian government. The meeting was attended by the Viceminister of Environment, Biodiversity, Climate Change and Forest Development and Management Juan Pablo Ramos, the UN Resident Representative Yoriko Yasukawa and representatives of five civil society organizations - CIDOB, CONAMAQ, CSTUBC,CSCIB, and CBMCIOB-BS- who all signed the minutes of the meeting. The signed minutes from the meeting shows that all parties clearly support and validate the document. This meeting followed the completion of the technical revision of the Programme Document (10 January) 15 December 2009 Draft of the UN-REDD Bolivia Programme Document finalized November 2009
August 2009 Second scoping/formulation mission in La Paz and Santa Cruz (18-21/08). Main outcomes were:
A full report of the mission is available here (in Spanish - English version to be provided shortly) National REDD meeting in La Paz (4th of August) gathering several NGOs, projects, institutions and international cooperation. A presentation on UN-REDD was given. June 2009 First scoping mission of the UN-REDD Programme regional team |
Synergies with Other Initiatives |
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