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Want to learn more about REDD?

August 2012: Want to know how REDD+ has evolved the past years? Have a look here......


Want to learn more about the basics of REDD+?

All those global officials responsible for REDD-plus ►

If you want to have an introduction to REDD+, if you want to understand deforestation, why it happened and where it still happens then follow this link, we will lead you the right direction - and, don't miss "Don't demonize deforestation!"...

More Information

Lost in space because of all those specific terms when reading deforestation texts?

Glossary of Forests related Climate specific terms

Want to know some background info of UN-REDD programme?

UN-REDD came up with a Q&A in July 2010


All global forest info at your mousecklick...

Euro Investor | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

Developed by Terra Global Capital, LLC in partnership with Community Forestry International, the pioneering Mosaic REDD methodology submitted

New York Times | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

EL MIRADOR, Guatemala — Great sweeps of Guatemalan rain forest, once the cradle of one of the world’s great civilizations, are being razed to clear land for cattle-ranching drug barons. Other parts of the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Central America’s largest protected area, have been burned down by...

American Carbon Registry | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

The American Carbon Registry (ACR), a non-profit enterprise of Winrock International, welcomes feedback from its members, project proponents and other interested parties on the ACR Methodology for REDD – Avoiding Planned Deforestation.  This methodology is applicable only to the REDD sub-...

Carbon Positive | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

Tucked away on the bottom of the world, New Zealand is showing bigger developed nations how its done when it comes to tackling greenhouse-gas emissions and climate change. The first jurisdiction outside Europe to take the plunge on a nation-wide mandatory carbon pricing scheme, New Zealand has gone...

Ecosystem Marketplace | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

The Copenhagen Accord recognized the need for a mechanism to funnel money into projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation while promoting conservation, enhancement of forest carbon stocks and sustainable forest management (REDD+).  Maria Bendana digs...

UN-REDD | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

Peter Holmgren, Director of Climate, Energy and Tenure Division and UN-REDD Programme Coordinator at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), explains the challenges ahead and key steps when it comes to setting-up a national monitoring system for REDD+.

Carbon Positive | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

The latest session of UN climate talks in Bonn last week have only consolidated widespread apprehension that the 194 nations are still years away from their goal – a new comprehensive climate agreement to limit global warming to plus-2 degrees or perhaps less.

BBC | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

Last year, there seemed to be an unwritten rule in enviro-circles: whenever two or more enviro-folks were gathered together in a place of meeting, talk must turn to biochar. Accounts would be exchanged of articles half-read and half-digested...the pros would be arrayed against the cons...the words...

UN-REDD | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

UNDP Programme Officer, Samuli Leminen, highlights REDD+ progress in Zambia since the UN-REDD Programme Policy Board approved US$4.5 million for the country’s national REDD+ strategy. “In recognition of the role REDD+ can plan in reducing emissions and facilitating sustainable socio-economic...

Triple Pundit | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

The winds of change are blowing across the climate change policy landscape. With legislation stalled in the Senate, attention now shifts to state and regional initiatives. In California, the Global Warming Solutions Act, better known as AB32 and passed in 2006, establishes a statewide mandate...

Vanguard Nigeria | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

To boost its afforestation programme, the Taraba Government is to raise 20 million seedlings by 2015. Mr Timothy Kataps, the Commissioner for  Environment and Urban Development, announced this on Thursday in Lankavir  during the official launching of the 2010 Tree Planting Campaign. He said the...

Stocks and Land | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

A PIONEERING attempt to provide landholders with a new income stream through forestry offsets, Landcare CarbonSmart, has fallen foul of the Canberra stalemate over emissions regulation. Set up by Landcare Australia Limited, in part to help landholders put in smaller biodiverse plantings that could...

Eko-Eco | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

With the fall of the US federal climate bill, eyes are shifting west to California's Air Resources Board (ARB) as it nears the November release of its cap-and-trade regulations under AB32. On Friday, the Board met with stakeholders about inclusion of reduced emission from deforestation and...

FAO | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

As part of the Interim REDD+ Partnership (www.oslocfc2010.no) a Voluntary REDD+ Database is to be developed.

Huffington Post | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

Can forest-rich countries learn from the mistakes of extractive projects and avoid unleashing their own resource curse? For poor developing countries, exploiting natural wealth such as minerals and metals should prove a blessing, offering the potential to generate huge revenues and help lift...

International Institute for Environment and Development | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

With concerns over climate change rising, there have been several initiatives aimed at reducing the impacts and contributing factors of climate change. But with millions and potentially billions of dollars at stake, how successful will these initiatives be in mitigating climate change?

Field | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

BRIEFING PAPER   The Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention (AWG-LCA) and the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP), 2-6 August 2010, Bonn: FIELD has prepared this briefing paper to assist developing...

The Himalayan Times | vor 13 Jahre 11 months

KATHMANDU: The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development today launched a Project Management Unit (PMU) in Kathmandu to coordinate and manage a project for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) in community forests. The four-year project (2009-2013)...


Illegal logging...

September 2012 - a note by the Editor of ForestIndustries.EU: We wrote this article more than three years ago. Many significant events happened since then and a huge amount of new knowledge has been collected by the global community.

by Dr. Radut