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American Carbon Registry | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

The Winrock-implemented Asia Regional Biodiversity Conservation Program (ARBCP), which is funded by USAID, is working with governments in the lower Mekong Subregion (LMS) to provide technical assistance to LMS partners in the development of a regional REDD program.

Business World Online | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

THE DEPARTMENT of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) has signed an agreement with German Technical Cooperation (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit, or GTZ) to improve forestry policies and implement Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD)...

William & Mary | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

Ali Bongo Ondimba, president of the African nation of Gabon, will deliver a speech at the College of William & Mary on Saturday, Sept. 25 at 1:30 p.m. Ondimba’s speech, which will be given at the Great Hall of the Sir Christopher Wren Building and followed by a question-and-answer session,...

Stuff, Waikato Times | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

Environment Waikato is considering using its $60 millon investment fund for a massive tree planting scheme to cash in on the Government's Emissions Trading Scheme. John Simmons, a senior council manager and forestry company director who authored the proposal, says "carbon farming" under the ETS...

Carbon Positive | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

A broad proposal for how forest carbon projects could be allowed to operate within a future international REDD+ framework has been outlined in a new industry paper. In the paper, forest carbon project consultants Terra Global Capital attempts to show how individual REDD projects might able to...

Environmental Leader | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

The Climate Group, and its partners, including the United Nations, the City of New York, and founding sponsor Swiss Re, kicked off Climate Week NYC yesterday. The conference is expected to bring together both government and business leaders to discuss the policies and public-private...

Alertnet | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

LONDON (AlertNet) - With progress towards a U.N. climate deal lagging, financial institutions, donors and tropical forest countries are moving rapidly to set up their own systems to pay forest nations to preserve their trees as a means of curbing carbon emissions.

Ecosystem Marketplace | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

LONDON | BNP Paribas Corporate & Investment Banking (BNP Paribas) has announced an agreement between its Commodity Derivatives business and Wildlife Works Carbon LLC, in which BNP Paribas will provide up to US$50 million in finance to combat tropical deforestation and climate change.

Insurance News | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

Innovative insurance solutions hold the key to driving climate adaptation initiatives in the developing world and securing the development prospects of communities threatened by rising climate risks, says a new Swiss Re publication. Released today at the opening of this year’s Climate Week NY˚C...

China.org | vor 13 Jahre 10 months

With the opening of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancun drawing near, all parties are preparing actively for the next round of negotiations. China hopes to see the negotiations complete in line with the 2007 Bali Road Map, based on existing legal foundations and the...

Guyaba Chronicle | vor 13 Jahre 10 months

People often wonder at the number of legislations protecting the Amerindian people, but cut off as the Amerindians are from mainstream society, these revised laws are needed for many reasons, most importantly to preserve their way of life while protecting their rights as citizens of this...

Business Week | vor 13 Jahre 10 months

Sept. 8 (Bloomberg) -- Foreign purchases of agricultural land from Mozambique to Cambodia pose “significant risks” to the livelihoods of farmers in countries with “weak land governance,” the World Bank said in a report. Large-scale purchases raise “a real concern about the ability of local...

Reuters Africa | vor 13 Jahre 10 months

OSLO (Reuters) - Nations including Democratic Republic of Congo are making surprise progress towards taking part in a $200 million project for slowing deforestation from late 2010, World Bank experts said. They also said Latin America, with forested nations around the Amazon, had strong...

Carbon Positive | vor 13 Jahre 10 months

The long-debated issue of what part forestry should be play if any in the European Union’s climate change effort is again at the fore. The European Commission last week opened a consultation on whether land-based activity, the LULUCF sector in Kyoto Protocol jargon, should be included in the EU...

The Daily Telegraph | vor 13 Jahre 10 months

The Size of Wales project aims to either plant trees or protect existing forest in Africa equivalent to the size of Wales, or two million ruby pitches. The fund will raise money from the public as well as sending out Welsh volunteers to help on deforestation programmes. Prince...

vor 13 Jahre 10 months

ForestIndustries.EU just arrived (Monday, 24th of August 2011) this eMail and therefore want to put the readers attention to this: Brett Goldswortyh (brett@shift2neutral.com) sent a message using the contact form at http://forestindustries.eu/contact. Please advise email address of person and IP...

Reuters | vor 13 Jahre 10 months

(Reuters) - The World Bank has sold 500,000 United Nations-backed carbon offsets for the U.N.'s adaptation fund, Credit Suisse (CSGN.VX), which acted as a dealer for the sale, said in a statement. The transaction took place during the period Aug. 27 to Sept. 10, and the end-buyers varied...

vor 13 Jahre 10 months

This series of technical reports on “International Financing for REDD” were produced to further UNFCCC parties’ understanding of the role and sequencing of public, private and market funding for REDD; and to discuss institutional and funding arrangements for REDD at international and national...


by Dr. Radut