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Forest Carbon Portal | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

By 2012, it is expected that a program for the Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD +) will be fully implemented in Mexico; in the short term, this strategy develops actions for the conservation of forests with the participation of various social organizations in the...

International Forest Industries | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

A major Japanese bank has come back for a second helping of New Zealand forestry credits. The deal, finalised last week, is being seen as a positive step in the developing international market for New Zealand’s forestry credits.

UN-REDD | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

The Japan-UNDP Partnership Fund just approved a project applied by UNDP’s UN-REDD Programme Asia-Pacific team, titled “Promoting Regional REDD+ Approach and REDD+ Readiness in Under-Supported Regions of Asia/Pacific”.

UNDP | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

As governments of the world continue to negotiate global climate change agreements, there is increased attention for the role forests can play in reducing emissions. It is acknowledged that the loss and degradation of forests are responsible for almost 20% of all greenhouse gas emissions.

Kaieteur News Online | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

The government yesterday said that it will use the first set of money from a US$250 million forest-saving deal with Norway to demarcate Amerindian lands and fit every Amerindian home with solar panels over the next two years, but accused “silly, useless” World Bank officials of stalling the...

Forest Carbon Portal | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

"We are interested in working with Latin American countries that share the Amazon rainforest. We just started it, "said the director of the Climate Change Division, Takehiro Kano, at a press conference in Tokyo.    The Amazon, considered the lungs of the world, covers 4.1 million hectares, but...

New Vision Uganda | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

THE Danish Embassy has signed a five-year agreement with the Uganda Carbon Bureau (UCB) to purchase carbon credits from various projects in Uganda. Danish ambassador Nathalia Feinberg said the initiative was intended to offset carbon emissions from energy sources used by the embassy. “This...

Daily Independent | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

Nigeria’s prospects as a full REDD participating nation shone bright last Thursday as a week-long Scoping Mission by the United Nations REDD+ Programme that commenced in Calabar in Cross River State came to an emotional end in Abuja, the federal capital city. The mission was aimed at assessing...

Carbon Positive | vor 13 Jahre 8 months

Africa’s first significant CDM forest carbon project has attracted a price of $US4 per tonne in temporary CER (tCER) carbon credits, according to a media report. The World Bank will buy the credits for half the carbon stored up to 2017 from an Ethiopian forestry project, the Humbo Assisted...

Daily Climate | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

MISSOULA, Mont. - U.S. forests offset roughly 11 percent of the nation's industrial greenhouse gas emissions, storing "significant amounts" of carbon that would otherwise pollute the atmosphere, according to new government data. We're aridifying our forests.  - Steven Running University of...

Vanguard | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

The United Nations REDD Mission to Nigeria, has described the Cross River State Forestry Programme as an ambitious opposition to global warming.

Starafrica | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania, October 18, 2010/African Press Organization (APO)/ -- Ambassador Hans Brattskar, Director of Norway's Climate and Forest Initiative, visits Tanzania 19-21 October to learn about progress in stopping climate change through Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and forest...

Carbon Positive | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

A modelling study on the effects of differing land use policies on forests has found that placing a carbon price on emissions are needed to protect forest cover. The lack of a carbon price on land-use emissions is likely to lead to significant deforestation for the purpose of bio-energy crop...

EURACTIVE | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

A large fall in greenhouse gas emissions brought about by a reduction of industrial activity led by the economic crisis has put the EU on a fast track to meet its Kyoto commitments, but Austria, Denmark and Italy are falling behind, according to new figures. The EU-15 cut their average annual...

Carbon Positive | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

The voluntary carbon market remains sluggish, hit hard by the global financial crisis and ongoing worldwide recession, but life is flickering in the forest carbon segment. Voluntary carbon buyers are in the market but taking much longer to carry out their buying programmes knowing they are in a...

Reuters | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

(Reuters) - A global market in forest carbon offsets under a U.N.-backed scheme will take three to seven years to develop in part because of the stalled U.S. climate bill, a top Indonesian forest investor said. The United Nations says the scheme, called reduced emissions from deforestation...

Carbon Positive | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

The CDM’s forest carbon rules surrounding eligibility of both land and activity type need to be reformed if the forest sector is going to make its contribution to the climate change mitigation effort, argues Dr Promode Kant of India’s Institute of Green Economy:

Climate Justice Now | vor 13 Jahre 9 months

Tianjin, October 7 (Meena Raman) – At the UNFCCC climate talks in Tianjin, a “stock-taking” meeting was held on October 6 which revealed divergent views among several Parties on what the outcome of the forthcoming Cancun conference should be and how the process should move forward from Tianjin...


by Dr. Radut