European Parliament adopts rules to keep illegal timber off the EU market Apr 27, 2009: Stricter rules on timber sold in the EU are needed to combat illegal logging - the main cause of deforestation - says a legislative report by Caroline Lucas (Greens/EFA, UK) adopted by the European Parliament....
All global forest info at your mousecklick...
Export Prices for Wood Chips from Canada and the US to Japan Reach 13 Year High in 2008
The huge black-liquor subsidy of pulp mills expired last week, but that isn’t stopping the U.S. forest-products industry from tapping taxpayers' money in other ways.
The pine beetle is being singled out as the main reason a Quesnel sawmill is shutting down, laying off 180 workers. Canfor Corp. announced Tuesday that it is curtailing its Quesnel mill Jan. 15 because of slow market demand and what it called in a news release “the economics of running the...
( Seattle, USA. Softwood lumber markets continued to be weak in Japan and the US during the 3Q/09, but have improved in Europe and, surprisingly, northern Africa, according to the Wood Resource Quarterly. Swedish sawmills have shipped 45% more lumber to Egypt, Morocco and...
GUNNS' proposed $2.5 billion Bell Bay pulp mill would begin operation with 100 per cent plantation timber, the company said today. In a statement to the Australian Securities Exchange, Gunns chairman John Gay said the successful acquisition of access to the pulpwood resource of failed managed...
BRAZZAVILLE (Reuters) - Congo Republic's biggest logging firm has almost halved its workforce because the global recession has cut demand for wood products, the firm said on Tuesday. Congolese Wood Industries, known by its French acronym CIB, laid off 665 employees from a total of 1,500 in the...
2009 opened with the formation of a new Office of Ecosystem Services and Markets and closed with a disappointing Copenhagen Accord that nonetheless included provisions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. EM takes a brief look back on the year in PES...
As 2009 came to a close, Canfor Corp. announced it would invest $16 million to upgrade its Chetwynd sawmill for a planned re-opening this spring. After a 20-month shutdown, the restart will put about 70 people back to work.
The cost of building timber will rise by up to 10 per cent from next month due to a severe supply shortage and booming international demand for New Zealand pine. Shortages are developing across a wide range of product lines, the Timber Industry Federation says in its latest newsletter. Big...
December 22, 2009: At the meeting of European ministers in the Agriculture and Fisheries Council (15 December 2009), a discussion was held on the proposal for the Regulation laying down the obligations of operators who place timber and timber products on the market. The legislation requires all...
LONDON, Dez. 22, 2009 (Viewpoint) - As we near the end of first decade of the "noughties" how has the pulp and paper industry fared? Well, it certainly hasn't been boring, in fact a good description would be traumatic, but uneventful certainly not. One thing is for sure, the industry is as...
JAPANESE companies have demanded Tasmania provide them with Forest Stewardship Council accredited woodchips.
I wrote recently that I was on the verge of publishing “the best article I have ever seen on paper purchasing” when Google’s robots disabled this blog. Here it is, from guest columnist Bill Lufkin, one of the country's top experts on paper buying. As president of Lufkin Strategic Procurement,...
SHANGHAI, Dez. 11, 2009 (RISI Blog) - One big story in 2010 and 2011 will be the wave of new printing and writing paper capacity due to come online in China. Even though the economic crisis this year has delayed some of the capacity, 4.6 million tonnes of the new capacity has been announced for...
Australia, the world largest exporter of wood chips reduced shipments by 28% during the first half of 2009 reports the Wood Resource Quarterly.The biggest decline was that of softwood and hardwood chips to Japan, which were down 31% and 36%, respectively, compared to the same period in 2008.
A report published Tuesday by PricewaterhouseCoopers found that the Canadian forest and paper industry lost $632 million in the third quarter of 2009, exceeding the $552 million reported in the same quarter of 2008. "The third quarter financials for the sector are grim, adding to the tough...
Seattle, USA. October, 2009. Australia, the world largest exporter of wood chips reduced shipments by 28% during the first half of 2009. The biggest decline was that of softwood and hardwood chips to Japan, which were down 31% and 36%, respectively, compared to the same period in 2008.
The Market Court has fined forest products giants Metsäliitto Cooperative and Stora Enso a total of 51 million euros for running a price cartel. The court ruled on Thursday that the companies cooperated in raw lumber pricing for more than seven years beginning in 1997. The ruling says that...
A new Greenpeace report shows, that despite receiving advice to not extend the company's licence, the Ontario government allowed AbitibiBowater to clearcut thousands of hectares of vital woodland caribou habitat in northwestern Ontario, increasing the threat to the survival of caribou, a...