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ClimateFocus | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

The 17th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (CP17) and 7th session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP7) held in Durban, South Africa, from 28th November to 11th December 2011 each produced landmark decisions.

Reuters | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

(Reuters) - The World Bank's carbon finance initiatives will likely be needed for at least five years, as the United Nations struggles to create a self-sufficient, international carbon market, the manager of the bank's carbon finance unit told Reuters.

Brecorder | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

ISLAMABAD: UN-HABITAT has launched a tree plantation campaign for the benefit of communities in areas affected by devastating floods during 2010 and 2011. The UN agency aims at planting 200,000 saplings in 400 villages in view of massive tree cutting in the affected areas for the purposes of...

The Citizen | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

Dar es Salaam. The funds for implementation of projects on Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) are flowing to developing countries from some developed countries on voluntary basis alone, lacking legally binding framework agreed internationally, it has been learnt....

Financial Post | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

An open letter from the Honourable Joe Oliver, Minister of Natural Resources, on Canada’s commitment to diversify our energy markets and the need to further streamline the regulatory process in order to advance Canada’s national economic interest. Canada is on the edge of a historic choice: to...

The Star | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

IT will be interesting to see whether Malaysia will finally decide to support the European Union's (EU) new timber regulation that will come into force in January next year. Despite 2012 being the deadline year, judging by the snail's pace Malaysia is taking to sign the bilateral voluntary...

Stabroek News | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

In November 2009, the Government of Guyana signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Norway that provides for Guyana to demonstrate transparency and improved governance in the forest sector.  The associated Joint Concept Note was revised in March 2011.  The required REDD-plus Governance Development...

ForestTalk | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

Developing effective, local partnerships with Aboriginal peoples will be a critical factor in helping the Canadian forest products sector address future labour force requirements, according to a new report from the Forest Products Sector Council (FPSC-CSPF). Conversation and Collaboration: Building...

IUCN | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

As you know, the National Consultative Workshop on “Social and Environmental Principles and Criteria for REDD+ Safeguards” held on January 12, 2012 at Islamabad, Which was inaugurated by the Mr. Mohammad Javed Malik, Federal Secretary, Ministry of National Disaster Management.

Huffington Post | vor 12 Jahre 5 months

The Kansas-sized country of Guyana, formerly known as British Guiana and the only English-speaking nation in South America, held elections on November 28, 2011, and voted in a new president, Donald Ramotar. This marked the end of 12 years in office for President Bharrat Jagdeo, under whose...

Reuters | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

(Published by Thomson Reuters Point Carbon) Norway will spend NOK 1.8 billion ($300 million) a year to devise ways to help some of the world's poorest people get better access to energy and to develop a new market-based system to limit emissions from global energy production, a foreign ministry...

ForestCarbon Asia | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

In response to requests by senior representatives of leading companies, this project of the World Economic Forum aims to identify opportunities for greater engagement and investment in REDD+ activities for the private sector across the value chain, including by addressing drivers of deforestation....

ClimateFocus | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

Climate Focus led a team of experts to analyze opportunities for involving the private sector in the generation of REDD+ credits for the UK Department for International Development (DFID).  

ForestCarbon Asia | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

This presentation was made on 10th April, 2011 at the REDD+ Partnership meeting and workshop held in Bangkok, Thailand. The presentation discusses Japan’s involvement in REDD+ activities. Please click here to download from REDD+ Partnership website.

The Pakistan News | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

Since the adoption of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the government took measures to enhance forests cover from 5% to 6% including approval of forestry mega projects at the cost of Rs12 billion, said Muhammad Javed Malik, Federal Secretary, Ministry of National Disaster Management.

Paperindex Times | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

Metsäliitto Group has started the testing of Finland's new FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certification standard in part of its own forests. The Group's forests have already been certified according to the PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) standard. In future, the FSC...

IIED | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

On Sunday 27 November 2011, the eve of the 17th conference of the parties to the UNFCCC (COP17), the International Institute for Environment and Development, together with its partners, hosted a South-South learning event, ‘REDD+, poverty reduction and sustainable development: are there cost-...

Otago Daily Times | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

In response to the problems, and the costs, of wilding conifer control (ODT, 28.12.11) there is considerable scope to mitigate much of these costs with the recovery of saleable wood in the form of saw logs, post timber (roundwood), firewood and the potential income from chipping residue for boiler...

Vietnam Net | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

A recent investigation into illegal logging in Hamlet No. 3, Tra Ka Commune in Bac Tra My found that road had been constructed over the course of a year. Illegal gold exploitation and forest logging Reporters managed to access the loggers’ camp and discovered that precious trees, including White...

Think Progress | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

Developing countries (including China) are expected to account for more than 90% of global energy growth in the next 30 years.  The U.S Agency for International Development (USAID) is addressing the urgent need for sustainable, clean economic growth in these regions with the release of its Climate...


by Dr. Radut