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Business Inquirer | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

The project was started after the Bases Conversion Development Authority (BCDA) and the Manila North Tollways Corp. (MNTC) signed a business and operations agreement on the Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway (SCTex). In order to insure payment of the debt service obligations of BCDA for its construction...

AllAfrica | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

Ghana's Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources is currently reviewing one of the sector's major policies the 1994 Forest and Wildlife Policy. The review has been necessitated by a number of emerging issues including institutional and legislative reforms within the forest sector and current global...

Daily News | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

The Department of Forests under the Ministry of Environment, with the support of FAO, UNDP and UNEP, took steps towards making forests a major part of Sri Lanka's strategy to combat climate change through the United Nations UN-REDD programme which assists developing countries to prepare and...

Think Progress | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

Developing countries (including China) are expected to account for more than 90% of global energy growth in the next 30 years.  The U.S Agency for International Development (USAID) is addressing the urgent need for sustainable, clean economic growth in these regions with the release of its Climate...

NCN Guyana | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

Guyana will continue to embrace a national approach regarding the Low Carbon Development Strategy so that all can be involved and become beneficiaries of the green economic imitative. According to the Guyanese leader, President Ramotar, the activities of mankind are still to be blamed for the...

Sundays Zaman | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

Turkey is emerging in the UN as a country that is working for the common good of the world with regard to climate change and one that is interested in a positive agenda, Turkey’s climate change chief negotiator Mithat Rende has said in an interview with Sunday’s Zaman.

Forest Carbon Asia | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

The town of Ayun, home to 16,000 people in the Chitral district of Pakistan, has been rocked by large-scale protests and mass arrests over the issue of corruption and deforestation in recent days. Villagers are protesting forest destruction in the Kalasha Valleys, the home of the indigenous Kalash...

Monde Diplomatic | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

An indigenous community in Mexico wants to drop protected conservation status for its area because it feels it has lost real control of its land and way of life. Concern about carbon emissions is blinding policy makers to the failures of some of their conservation policies. Editors note: you may...

University of Yale | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

How do you put a price on the value of nature? That’s the question Indian banker Pavan Sukhdev and his colleagues are seeking to answer in their international project on The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB), which published its latest report last month. The challenge, as Sukhdev sees...

CIFOR | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

Community-managed forests in Latin America could provide valuable lessons for the sustainable management of these resources, in particular under Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) schemes, says a new study by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). Case...

NCN Guyana | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

President Donald Ramotar pledged that in the New Year his government will work resolutely on a developmental agenda that guarantees value for money in the delivery of public goods and services and to bring an end to corruption. In his New Year’s message to the nation the Head of State promised...

AllAfrica | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

Remnants of torched farm huts suspended from the ground by burnt out logs mostly mangroves, are testimony that something went terribly wrong in Rufiji Delta. Ash is scattered all over the place and this was the site of brutal torching of farmers' temporary huts mainly used during the planting...

EAAERE | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

REDD-plus is one of the most important policy tools for promoting sustainable forest management, especially in tropical countries where significantly large net losses of forest area have been observed in recent years. Malaysia is considered as a potential participant country in REDD-plus project...

IBN Live | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

HYDERABAD: The state forest department, in an ambitious plan, will plant 12 crore saplings outside the forest areas by June next to increase the state’s tree cover.

Radio New Zealand | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

The Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry says foresters seeking carbon credits through the Emissions Trading Scheme have been driving much of the increase in new tree plantings. MAF's estimates, based on reports from commercial forestry nurseries, show that 67 million seedlings were planted...

AllAfrica | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

An environmental expert, Salihu Dahiru, has called for investment in biodiversity for Nigeria to maximise the potentials of the United Nations programme on Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+). Dahiru, who heads the Nigeria REDD Programme in a chat with Daily Trust said that...

Equations | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

Government of India announced it’s first ever National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) in June 2008 to identify measures and steps to advance climate change-related actions in its domestic sphere. One of the eight missions is the Green India Mission (GIM), which was ‘launched to enhance eco-...

Sense and Sustainability | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

No one knows for certain when nature first became a commodity, that is, when nature was first divided into discrete units that could be bought and sold. You could argue that it was when the fruits of harvest were first traded for other goods. Or maybe you could say that the first instance was...

PIA | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

MAASIN CITY, Southern Leyte, Dec. 29 (PIA) -- A people’s organization has completed its part in planting forest trees in the 110-hectare land under the United Nations Program on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (UN-REDD Plus Program).

Post Zambia | vor 12 Jahre 6 months

THE extreme weather and climatological changes happening around the world are having a profound impact on the population and the ecosystem, says the Zambia Institute of Environmental Management. ZIEM chief executive officer Morgan Katati said the changes such as floods, heatwaves and droughts...


by Dr. Radut