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Manilla Bulletin Publishing Board | vor 12 Jahre 9 months

The Japanese government has earmarked the appropriation of an estimated Y9.244 billion, or approximately P5.084 billion, to strengthen forestland management in the Philippines. The latest Official Development Assistance (ODA) loan was signed by Japanese Ambassador Toshinao Urabe and Secretary of...

Forest Carbon Asia | vor 12 Jahre 9 months

Emerging international standards for Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) projects require a demonstrated biodiversity benefit and a biodiversity monitoring protocol. Guidance for an acceptable protocol is proposed specifically for tropical forests, focusing on technologies...

Reuters | vor 12 Jahre 9 months

(Reuters) - Australia and Norway have crafted a proposal they hope will get troubled global climate talks back on track and win agreement on a broader climate pact by 2015. If they succeed, it could mean a new climate deal could go into force by 2018 once nations sign and parliaments ratify the...

Hindustan Times | vor 12 Jahre 9 months

A new study supported by the Green Party of Germany finds that compensatory afforestation has not taken off in many cases and forest conservation rules have helped industry more than environment. The report funded by the Heinrich Boll Foundation of the Green Party comes at the time when the...

Vietnam News | vor 12 Jahre 9 months

HA NOI — Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has approved an additional US$30 million to develop the forestry sector. The funds, from the World Bank's International Development Association, bring the total received to $99.8 million. A spokesman for the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development said...

Focali | vor 12 Jahre 9 months

Since the COP meeting in Bali in 2007, Norway has stood out as the principal donor of REDD+ money. Learning from the Norwegian experiences can prove useful for other donors. This brief treats a number of interesting issues raised in the first evaluation reports of the Norwegian efforts. The brief...

REDD-NET | vor 12 Jahre 9 months

This paper explores the relationship between safeguards and multiple benefits in REDD+ activities, focusing on the possible institutional and governance structures that could facilitate attaining multiple benefits and respecting safeguards. It highlights key issues for further negotiation and...

ECONews | vor 12 Jahre 9 months

In a landmark, first-of-its kind, acquisition for conservationists a global conservation group has led the purchase of Fish River Station, a former cattle station in the Northern Territory, and is to hand it back to indigenous traditional owners. The land was acquired by The Nature Conservancy (TNC...

Environmental Finance | vor 12 Jahre 9 months

The REDD+ lobby would do well to learn the lessons of the Uganda land grab and build transparency, anti-corruption measures, conflict resolution into the system from the start, says Davyth Stewart from Global Witness

The Jakarta Globe | vor 12 Jahre 9 months

Swiss food giant Nestle will resume purchases of palm oil from Sinar Mas Agro Resources and Technology following an 18-month halt after Smart made improvements to abide by Nestle’s guidelines for responsible environmental practices. The parent company of the palm oil producer known as Smart,...

EFI | vor 12 Jahre 9 months

A two-day conference on European and global forests - which way for the future? was held at the European Parliament in Brussels on 6-7 September 2011.  The first day of the conference was organised by the INTERREG IVC project FUTUREforest. A report on the results of the three-yearproject was...

World Future Council | vor 12 Jahre 9 months

Forest laws and policies in Rwanda, The Gambia and the US beat out 17 other nominees to win 2011 Future Policy Award

vor 12 Jahre 9 months

When: Nov 23 - 25, 2011 Where: Nanning, Guangxi, China Organized By: Guangxi University & the Experimental Center of Tropical Forestry, CAF This international conference has been proposed as a platform for discussing the findings of research work carried out under the project as also to...

CIGAR | vor 12 Jahre 9 months

Being one of the major drivers of deforestation, there is wide consensus that agriculture will largely determine success on efforts to reduce carbon emission levels. Despite this recognition, even in countries’ preparation proposals to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (...

vor 12 Jahre 9 months

This brief aims to guide countries in the development of their Legality Definition as part of a Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) process. It is not meant to be prescriptive, but rather describe useful practice based on the experiences and...

StarAfrica | vor 12 Jahre 9 months

OSLO, Norway, September 20, 2011/African Press Organization (APO)/ -- The Foreign Affairs Committee of the Norwegian Parliament is visiting Tanzania 20-24 September. Their aim is to discuss how Norway can become an even better partner in promoting economic growth and development in Tanzania, in a...

Times Colonist | vor 12 Jahre 9 months

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, natural gas prices were high and many major gas consumers worried that continued high prices posed serious risks to future profitability. One of the more concerned sectors of British Columbia's economy was the commercial greenhouse industry, which uses lots of...

CIFOR | vor 12 Jahre 9 months

Douglas Sheil and I launched CoFCCloT in August 2011.  A Google search for CoFCCloT results in 138,000 hits just now.  Not bad for an organization that doesn’t exist.


by Dr. Radut