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GreenLeft | vor 12 Jahre 10 months

The decision by leaders of the Sub Central of the Indigenous Territory and National Isiboro Secure Park (TIPNIS), to initiate a 500-kilometre protest march on Bolivia's capital of La Paz capital has ignited much debate about the nature of Bolivia’s first indigenous led-government. The Sub Central...

Forest Carbon Asia | vor 12 Jahre 10 months

Protected areas (PAs) cover a quarter of the tropical forest estate. Yet there is debate over the effectiveness of PAs in reducing deforestation, especially when local people have rights to use the forest. A key analytic problem is the likely placement of PAs on marginal lands with low pressure for...

Survival International | vor 12 Jahre 10 months

Today, indigenous people across Peru are celebrating President Ollanta Humala’s decision to approve the Prior Consultation Law. This is an important step forward for indigenous rights in the country. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ On Tuesday night, Peru’s Congress...

Just Means | vor 12 Jahre 10 months

The UK-based International Institute for Environment and Development has issued a warning that tropical countries participating in REDD+ schemes, whereby they get compensated for protecting their forests to limit emissions of greenhouse gases from deforestation, could fail to reap social and...

AllAfrica | vor 12 Jahre 10 months

Washington — The Congo Basin forest ecosystem is the world's second largest moist tropical forest, second only to the Amazon, and represents about one quarter of the globe's remaining closed canopy forest. It covers an area almost four times the size of France and spans six Central African...

Welsh Icons | vor 12 Jahre 10 months

Forestry Commission Wales is taking action to plug a growing skills gap in the forests of Wales by offering work to contractors who agree to take on apprentices. FC Wales, which manages the 126,000 hectares (311,000 acres) of woodland owned by the Welsh Government, hope the six new contracts up for...

APEC | vor 12 Jahre 10 months

Recognizing the role of resource and energy constraints, climate change, loss of biological diversity, poverty and food insecurity, APEC Ministers Responsible for Forestry released a statement to support green growth, sustainable forest management and rehabilitation. Under the theme "Enhanced...

vor 12 Jahre 10 months

The Philippine National REDD-plus Strategy and Current Status (PDF) Climate-relevant modernisation of forest policy and piloting of REDD in the Philippines (PDF)

MIT | vor 12 Jahre 10 months

How do you value an ecosystem? Putting a dollar value on natural systems such as forests has long beset economists. Forests provide “non-use values,” such as the pleasure of knowing that a natural system exists, and recreational values, such as hunting, fishing and wildlife viewing. But recently,...

Times of India | vor 12 Jahre 10 months

NEW DELHI: The meeting was meant to review the work done two decades after the famed Rio summit or the UN meet on Environment and Development at Rio de Janeiro in 1992. But the Rio+20 conference is turning into another global ground to put green fetters on developing economies.

EuroPolitics | vor 12 Jahre 10 months

It is urgent to act internationally to protect forests, which are guardians of the climate, protect soils and biodiversity, and play a crucial role in the water cycle, according to participants in a conference on ‘European and global forests: Which way for the future?’. The event, held on 6-7...

ANDINA | vor 12 Jahre 10 months

Lima, Sep. 06 (ANDINA). Peru has been awarded a US$11 million grant to help the country on the initiative of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) for sustainable forest management.

ALLAfrica | vor 12 Jahre 10 months

COMMUNITIES in seven villages of Kigoma Rural district will early next year start earning money for protecting Masito-Ugalla forest reserve, which climate change scientists say is helping in the absorption of carbon dioxide and controlling global warming. The villages benefit under a Reducing...

China Daily | vor 12 Jahre 10 months

BEIJING - President Hu Jintao on Tuesday laid out plans that would see China increase its forest coverage by nearly 10 percent over the next decade. "China is ready to make new contributions to green and sustainable growth," Hu said at the first APEC Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Forestry,...

The Hindu | vor 12 Jahre 10 months

China aims to increase its forest cover to 40 million hectares over the next decade as part of its commitment to cut down its intensity of carbon emissions by 40 to 45 per cent per unit of GDP by 2020. China will continue to accelerate the pace of forestry development in line with its promise to...

IPP Media | vor 12 Jahre 10 months

Tanzania has started to implement the National Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) readiness pilot projects from which the lessons learnt will be used to inform policy makers in developing a comprehensive national REDD strategy.   

ForestCarbon Asia | vor 12 Jahre 10 months

This study sees bamboo as a bridge between climate change mitigation and poverty alleviation. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) promoted issues of climate change mitigation and adaptation. The Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) presented compelling evidence and sobering projections for...

Climate-L | vor 12 Jahre 10 months

9 September 2011: The Tenth Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) Dialogue, which convened from 7-8 September 2011, in The Hague, the Netherlands, focused on common approaches to dealing with the challenges of food security and climate change.


by Dr. Radut