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August 2010

Issue date: 
30 July 2010

REDD Readiness Requires Radical Reform

Forests may be about to get a lucky break. If opportunities are seized and problems ironed out, international mechanisms to support reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and enhanced forest carbon stocks (“REDD-plus”) will give efforts to sustain forests and the livelihoods linked to them their best-ever chance of success.

But preparations for making such mechanisms work on the ground have generally been unimpressive. Initiatives are needed to get REDD-plus protagonists from different contexts to work together on common challenges.

Issue date: 
August 5, 2010

Forest carbon needs climate deal: Study

Afforestation and reforestation (A/R) activity to restore tree cover, a key component of the REDD+ mechanism and overall fight against climate change, risks grinding to a halt in the next two years i

Issue date: 
July 31, 2010

ARB Sees REDD in AB32 Future

With the fall of the US federal climate bill, eyes are shifting west to California's Air Resources Board (ARB) as it nears the November release of its cap-and-trade regulations under AB32.

Issue date: 
August 2010

Development of a Voluntary REDD+ Database

As part of the Interim REDD+ Partnership (www.oslocfc2010.no) a Voluntary REDD+ Database is to be developed.

Issue date: 
03 August 2010

Tatarstan to construct new Forest Breeding and Seed Centre

Timber industry is becoming more and more innovative with increasing amount of advanced technologies and machinery being involved.  Russia is to construct 5 modern breeding and seed centers using Lannen Plant Systems technology (Finland). Thus, new centers will appear in the Moscow, Voronezh, Kostroma regions, Altay area and Tatarstan.

Forest Breeding and Seed Centre is to be constructed in the Sabinsk district (Tatarstan) at the site of 7ha.

Issue date: 
August 2010

Forest Resource Assessment in Nepal: An Assessment of Data Needs

Forestry sector of Nepal requires reliable, accurate and updated forestry information for strategic planning, policy and management decisions. However, forestry information management system in Nepal is poor due to scattered data in different organizations, lack of periodic data updating policy and the respective actions, and insufficient institutional capacity for data management. The last National Forest Inventory (NFI) was carried out in early nineties in Nepal. Since then, forests data have not been updated yet at national level and early nineties data do not represent present situation and growing demands of national/international data needs.

Issue date: 
Aug 4, 2010

Why is the B.C. budget so small for firefighting?

Last year, the province of British Columbia budgeted $60 million for fighting forest fires, but ended up spending $400 million.

Issue date: 
August 2nd, 2010

Chinese log imports taking a dive in 2009

Due to the global recession that began in the second half of 2008, China’s total log imports declined in 2009 to 28.1 million m3 (-5.1%). The unexpected turnaround in the Chinese economy, starting in Q2/2009, significantly moderated the falling trend in Chinese log import volumes for the year. China’s log imports were valued at about US$4.1 billion, down 21% by value from 2008. reports International Wood Markets Group, The total decrease in log imports from 2007 to 2009 was a whopping nine million m3 - a staggering 24%.

Issue date: 
August 2nd, 2010

30% wood harvest expansion projected for Chile

Chile’s forestry industry could increase wood production over 30% in the next fifteen years, as the sector significantly expands its land holdings, Hans Grosse, head of state forestry agency Instituto Forestal (Infor), said.

Issue date: 
Aug 2, 2010

Government of Canada Launches Investments in Forest Industry Transformation Program

The Investments in Forest Industry Transformation (IFIT) program was launched today by the Government of Canada.

The $100-million program will help to expand opportunities for Canada’s forestry sector through the development of innovative projects and technologies.

The Honourable Christian Paradis, Minister of Natural Resources, launched the program today in Ottawa and made a call for proposals that could receive IFIT funding.


by Dr. Radut