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Issue date: 
28 October 2012

MINEPAT Evaluates Japan Funded Programme on Forest Governance

Issue date: 
23 August, 2012

Outline of The Bilateral Offset Credit Mechanism

Purpose of the BOCM:

Issue date: 
May 18, 2012

China, Korea, Japan Forestry Agreement is Great news for Environment says FRA

Forestry Research Associates (FRA) has stated that the signing of a sustainable forestry agreement between China, the Republic of Korea and Japan is an "extremely positive move” in the fight against desertification and deforestation.

Issue date: 
April 12, 2012

China to Surpass Japan as the World's Largest Hardwood Chip Importer by 2014

Chinese hardwood chip imports will double from 6.3 million Bone Dry Metric Tons (BDMT) in 2011, to 12.7 million BDMT in 2016. Japan's imports of hardwood chips will drop from 9.9 million BDMT to 8.6 million BDMT in the same period, the lowest volume of imports since 1993.

Issue date: 
03 April 2012

Japan Backs Ghana’s Forest Preservation Scheme With $7.8m

The Japanese government is providing 7.8 million dollars to finance a special training programme on Geographical Information System and forestry inventory-taking under Ghana’s forest preservation programme.

Issue date: 
Jan. 26, 2012

CO2 emissions traded to help Tohoku region

Firms that emit greenhouse gases but also want to help revitalize business in the Tohoku region following the Great East Japan Earthquake are being drawn to participate in a carbon dioxide offset trading scheme.

Issue date: 
April, 2011

Study on REDD-plus Related Activities by Japan

This presentation was made on 10th April, 2011 at the REDD+ Partnership meeting and workshop held in Bangkok, Thailand. The presentation discusses Japan’s involvement in REDD+ activities.

Issue date: 

Japanese Institute Evaluates Carbon Balances of Tropical Forests in Southeast Asia

Issue date: 
2 December 2011

Japan to continue supporting forestry projects in India

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Friday said it will continue to support forestry projects in India by making focussed efforts to rejuvenate the forests and help communities earn a sustainable livelihood.

Issue date: 
December 07, 2011

Japan lends weight to forest mgt in Laos

The government of Japan has provided grant assistance of more than 475 million yen (about 4,6 million EUR) for the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Forest Information Management Programme in Laos.


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by Dr. Radut