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Kibale National Park rehabilitation project

Located in southwest Uganda, the Kibale National Park (KNP) is one of the last remaining tropical forest blocks in the country. It harbours the greatest variety and concentration of primates found anywhere in East Africa and is home to at least 350 tree species. Despite the park’s ecological value, deforestation and historic consumptive use of the park have contributed to significant deterioration of KNP’s forest and its biodiversity over the past 30 years.

Issue date: 
January 11, 2011

Cut a Forest and Put a Man on the Moon

Yesterday a Ugandan man and I were planning an environmental education training for teachers.  He was lamenting the poor state of the environment in Uganda and said that he wished Ugandans had the same sense of responsibility towards the environment that Americans have.  He said “why can’

Issue date: 
1 January 2011

Bududa Brought Home Nasty Environmental Lessons

Environmental conservation and protection has been one of the major challenges the world over. The green world has been attacked by both natural and artificial encroachers, leading to dangerous climatic changes, some of which have resulted in deadly disasters.

Issue date: 
3 November 2010

UGANDA: One million trees for Mt Elgon region

MBALE, 3 November 2010 (IRIN) - A three-year project to increase forest cover and help local communities in eastern Uganda adapt to climate change has been launched.

"The planting of one million trees has started to sustain an area of tropical forest in Africa the size of Wales," said John Griffiths, counsel-general of the Welsh Assembly, which is supporting the project. "These trees will not only absorb carbon but provide shade for crops."

Issue date: 
24th October, 2010

Danish embassy starts carbon project

THE Danish Embassy has signed a five-year agreement with the Uganda Carbon Bureau (UCB) to purchase carbon credits from various projects in Uganda.

Issue date: 
17 August 2010

Uganda: Forest cover fast dying out as tobacco industry booms

Kampala (Uganda) - Uganda’s tobacco industry is spawning an environmental disaster, as farmers turn to fruit trees for wood fuel to cure the tobacco leaves.

Issue date: 
8 August 2010

The REDD Opportunities Scoping Exercise

The REDD+ Opportunities Scoping Exercise (ROSE) is a tool for classifying and prioritizing potential REDD+ sub-national activities and for assessing critical constraints to project development, especially those associated with the legal, political, and institutional framework for carbon finance.

Issue date: 
June 2010

REDD will ease deforestation in Uganda

Issue date: 
August 13, 2009

Uganda: Growing Trees for Cash; a Long Term Lucrative Venture

When Mr Ponsiano Besesa sold his four-storey-hotel in Kampala to invest in forestry in February last year, people thought he was going mad. But the old man had calculated and knew very well that trees would reap him more than what a hotel would.

Issue date: 
September 1, 2009

Carbon Trading Scheme Pushing People off Their Land

MOUNT ELGON, Uganda, Aug 31 (IPS) - With the world’s attention focused on climate change, one of the methods suggested to reduce global carbon emissions is causing the displacement of indigenous persons as western companies rush to invest in tree-planting projects in developing countries.


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by Dr. Radut