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Issue date: 
02 September 2010

The Fight Over Palm Oil Funding

Called the Draft Framework for Engagement in the Palm Oil Sector, the 48-page document by the IFC seeks to provide

Issue date: 
8th September, 2010

Shell funding of forest protection scheme could result in 'largest land grab of all time'

Oil giant's investment in Indonesian REDD conservation project is a crude attempt to increase profit and gloss over its expanding oil drilling operations, say campaigners

Issue date: 
August 31, 2010

The Missionary Position: The export of carbon guilt to the developing world

The advocates of renewable energy have long chanted a mantra of “green jobs, energy security and lower emissions”, but in country after country we continue to see a fork in the road emerging whereby individual nations are forced to make choices between lowering (global) emissions or developin

Issue date: 
26 August 2010

Forest definition hinders REDD progress in Indonesia

A report published by the World Agroforestry Centre (CGIAR) has announced that one third of Indonesia’s greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation actually come from areas which are not officially designated as “forest”. This has led to concern over the success of the UN’s Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) project if carbon output is not being measured throughout the entire country.

Issue date: 
Aug 24, 2010

Indonesia project boosts global forest CO2 market

(Reuters) - Likely to be first fully validated REDD project under VCS; Approval of methodology boost for REDD projects

SINGAPORE/JAKARTA, Aug 24 (Reuters) - An Indonesian project aimed at saving a vast tract of rainforest has past a milestone seen as a boost in the development of a global market in forest carbon credits.

Issue date: 

Countries take first steps to implement their partnership to combat deforestation

Issue date: 

Ministry wants money for planting trees

Indonesia hopes to renegotiate its US$1 billion deal with Norway on reducing carbon emissions by curbing deforestation, hoping Norway will accept tree planting as an eligible part of the program.

“We hope REDD+ activities could be applied in the Indonesia-Norway climate deal,” Hadi Daryanto, director general of forest production at the Forestry Ministry, told The Jakarta Post Saturday.

Issue date: 

Ulu Masen REDD Demonstration Project

Aceh is a forest landscape where the interests of local people, extractive industries and globally important biodiversity are in conflict.

Issue date: 
July 13, 2010

What’s Next for Indonesia-Norway Cooperation on Forests?

In May 2010, Norway agreed to contribute up to $1 billion towards reducing deforestation and forest degradation and loss of peatland in Indonesia, which now account for more than 80 percent of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions. The “Letter of Intent” is a promising first step, yet the two countries must still settle key details of the agreement. Below is WRI’s analysis of the Letter of Intent and recommendations for what should be addressed next.

Issue date: 
July 13, 2010

Degraded Land, Sustainable Palm Oil, and Indonesia’s Future

A new policy to develop oil palm on degraded land could protect Indonesia’s forests. But what does “degraded” really mean?


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by Dr. Radut