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Papier- und Zellstoffindustrie

Issue date: 
April 8th, 2011

Chinese Investment in Canadian Forestry is Soaring

Recent trends indicate that there have been significant growths in Canadian forestry from Chinese investors.

Issue date: 
April 4, 2011

Macroeconomic impact of Japan's earthquake

Issue date: 
Apr 4, 2011

APP Starts up Two ANDRITZ Mechanical Pulping Lines in Record Time in China

Graz, Austria, Apr 4, 2011 - Two P-RC APMP mechanical pulping lines delivered by ANDRITZ to APP’s mill in Jingui, Guangxi Province, China, have been started up in record time.

The guaranteed production of 750 admt/d was achieved within only 2.5 months for Line #1 and 1.5 months for Line #2. This sets production records for single mechanical pulping lines in China. In addition, excellent pulp properties are being reported.

Focus on ‘green’ production

Issue date: 
March 30, 2011

Forestry Group Aims to Boost Sustainability Practices

Issue date: 
Mar 2011

Sappi Fine Paper Europe Envisages the Closure of its Biberist Mill in Switzerland

Brussels, Belgium, Mar 2011 - Sappi Fine Paper Europe envisages the closure of its Biberist Mill in Switzerland in response to market conditions and sustained increases in input costs and begins consultations

As a result of continued overcapacity in the European Coated and Uncoated Fine Paper markets, it has not proved possible to recover the sharply increased costs of raw material and energy over recent years. Sappi has therefore undertaken a review of its European production activities.

Issue date: 
March 28th, 2011

Wood First initatives – spreading from B.C. across the country

The Wood First initiative started in British Columbia. Their provincial government passed the Wood First Act in 2009 that requires wood to be considered as the primary building material in all new publicly-funded buildings, such as schools, libraries or sports complexes.

Issue date: 
Mar 29, 2011

ANDRITZ AG Annual General Meeting Approves Substantial Dividend Increase

Graz, Austria, Mar 29, 2011. Today’s 104th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of ANDRITZ AG agreed to a dividend payment of 1.70 Euros per share for the 2010 business year, which is an increase of 70% compared to the dividend for the 2009 business year (1.00 Euro per share). Ex-dividend date is March 31, 2011, the date of dividend payment April 4, 2011.

Klaus Ritter, who has been a member of the ANDRITZ AG Supervisory Board since 2004, was reappointed to the Supervisory Board of ANDRITZ AG.

Issue date: 
Mar 18, 2011

ANDRITZ to Supply Biomass Boiler Island for Hämeenkyrön Voima, Finland

Graz, Austria, Mar 18, 2011 - International technology Group ANDRITZ has been awarded an order by Hämeenkyrön Voima Oy to supply an 80MWth fluidized bed steam boiler using as main fuel wood-based biomass and milled peat as additional fuel for its power plant in Hämeenkyrö, Finland. The project investors are Pohjolan Voima, M-real and Leppäkosken Sähkö. Start-up of the boiler is scheduled for the autumn of 2012.

Issue date: 
March 21, 2011

Swedish forest industry critical about the green paradigm shift according to new thesis

Issue date: 
14 March 2011

What forestry can do for climate change policy

Growing trees is nature’s way of absorbing carbon from the atmosphere.  So most would assume that the forest industry would be front and centre of the government’s climate change policy.  They’d be wrong. 

The government’s carbon price to be introduced from July 2012 will rightly focus on the big emitters but will provide next to no incentives for growth in Australia’s sustainable forest industry – which absorbs and stores carbon from the atmosphere.


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by Dr. Radut