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Papier- und Zellstoffindustrie

Issue date: 
March 9, 2011

Global trade of wood chips was up 25 percent in 2010

Global trade of wood chips was up 25 percent in 2010 because of increased production of pulp and paper products worldwide. China showed the greatest growth in chip imports with an increase over 400 percent in the past two years, as reported in the WRQ.

Issue date: 
Mar 2, 2011

EBRD supports pulp and paper mill in Bosnia and Herzegovina

London, UK, Mar 2, 2011 - The EBRD is providing an €11 million loan to Natron Hayat, a pulp and paper mill located in Maglaj in central Bosnia and Herzegovina, to support the company’s further growth and development in line with EU standards.

Natron Hayat is a producer of various paper and cardboard products. Previously state-owned, the company was privatized in 2005 and is now owned by KEAS, Turkey’s leading forestry and paper products producer.

Issue date: 
March 4, 2011

EU examines UPM's acquisition of competitors

Issue date: 
Mar 4, 2011

IFC and NCASI Release Enhanced Version of the Forest Industry Carbon Assessment Tool (FICAT)

Issue date: 
March 5th, 2011

B.C. may have trouble keeping up with the demand for their wood, due to low resources

British Columbia‘s forest sector has been cut back so severely in recent years that now that demand for their wood is surging, the companies are having a difficult time physically meeting the demand.

Issue date: 
02 March 2011

The Delegation of the holding company «Altayles» to participate in «WoodMac China 2011»

Issue date: 
March 2nd, 2011

Alberta’s forest products shipments went up 25% from 2009 to 2010

Total shipments of lumber, panelboard, pulp and paper manufactured by Alberta Forest Products Association-member companies for 2010 were up substantially over the previous year. Shipments increased from approximately $1.9 billion to $2.3 billion.

Issue date: 
Feb 23, 2011

Mondi : Appointment of non-executive director

South Africa, Feb 23, 2011 - The Mondi Group is pleased to announce the appointment of Stephen Harris as an independent non-executive director with effect from 1 March 2011. He will replace Colin Matthews who will be stepping down at the conclusion of the Annual General Meetings on 5 May 2011.

Colin has been with the Mondi Group since its demerger from Anglo American plc in 2007.

Issue date: 
Feb 24, 2011

Pöyry received the notice to proceed for the EPC Open Book BOP contract announced on 8 February 2011

Helsinki, Finland, Feb 24, 2011 - In early February 2011 Pöyry's Industry business group was awarded an assignment by MWV Rigesa Ltda., Brazil for the expansion of its paperboard mill in Três Barras, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. The total value of Pöyry's contracts is about BRL 325 million (about EUR 144 million) of which a majority consists of the EPC Open Book BOP contract. The total value has now been booked into the order stock.

Issue date: 
Feb 25, 2011

The results of the VIII Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum: solid investments will flow to Siberia


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by Dr. Radut