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Forest management planning

Issue date: 

Clean-tech Finance Bill changes welcomed by Green IFSC

The clean-tech tax changes to the Finance Bill have been welcomed by the Green IFSC, which says Ireland’s Government is likely the first in the world to recognise forest carbon credits in tax legislation.

Issue date: 
29 January 2012

16 North Rupununi villages involved in Community Monitoring, Reporting and Verification

Another major initiative to ensure that Guyana’s natural resources and wealth are sustainably harvested for the development of its present and future generations, the Community Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (C-MRV) Project that will have the involvement of 16 villages of the North Rupunu

Issue date: 

Better Forest Data Lends Confidence to Carbon Markets

A study published in Nature Climate Change this week measured both the biomass of different types of tropical forests and the emissions lost via deforestation, providing more accurate data than was previously

Issue date: 
Jan. 26, 2012

USA - USDA: New Forest Planning Rule

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today signaled the U.S.

Issue date: 
October 26, 2011

Guidelines on participatory forest inventory


Please click here to download.


Issue date: 
August 18, 2011

Carbon Development Associate

Wildlife Works Carbon LLC (WWC) is an innovative start‐up company headquartered in San Francisco, CA, USA that engages with the global carbon market to enhance conservation in tropical countries.

Issue date: 

GOB “fiddling” while Guats continue raping Chiquibul Forest!

Over the course of the past year, 300 acres inside the Chiquibul Forest have been hacked, and the razed portions of the forest to date amount to 13,000 acres – larger than Belize City. That is according to Rafael Manzanero, the executive director of Friends for Conservation and Development (FCD), who spoke with Amandala today, Thursday, in Belmopan.
Issue date: 
July 18, 2011

Taking stock of trade and the planet’s woodlands in the International Year of Forests

Forests provide vital resources to humanity, both directly in the form of timber and non-timber products and indirectly in the form of ecosystem services, such as biodiversity, carbon storage, and soil and watershed management.

Issue date: 
21 June 2011

Environmentalists to Be Trained in Forest Monitoring

Rwandan forest monitoring specialists are set to undergo training in modern techniques to help them implement and improve national forest monitoring programs.

Issue date: 
May 11, 2011

‘PLUP fiction’ improves land use planning in Lao PDR

BOGOR, Indonesia (11 May, 2011)_A CIFOR-led project is yielding innovative tools that help rural people improve their livelihoods and protect their natural resources.


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by Dr. Radut