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Nachhaltige Forstwirtschaft

Issue date: 

Dilemma: encouraging continuous improvement or endorsement greenwash?

A few weeks ago, WWF was attacked by the international NGO Global Witness in a widely publicised report Pandering to the loggers. It is a case which raises some important dilemmas about the choice that NGOs (and others) have to make between carrot and stick.
Issue date: 
30 July 2011

Toshaos agree by majority vote on resolution to fast track Norway forest funds

Amerindian leaders have agreed by majority vote to a resolution calling for the fast-tracking of the institutional requirements for the release of the Norway funds critical to the implementation of projects under the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS).

Issue date: 
August 10, 2011

Congo to 'reforest' with plantations across one million hectares

The Republic of the Congo has announced a new program to create plantations across one million hectares (2.47 million acres) of degraded forest lands.

Deforestation, Wood Harvesting Not Correlated

Industrial timber use has provided timber revenue that has helped make timber supply and demand more sustainable in the leading timber producing regions of the world.

Issue date: 
11 Aug, 2011

End logging to cut carbon: study

Australia could meet almost half of its 5 per cent greenhouse reduction target by ending logging of native forests, according to a new economic study.

Issue date: 
August 11th, 2011

Nova Scotia’s long awaited Natural Resources Strategy to be released next week

Nova Scotia is finally going to release its new Natural Resources Strategy next week.

Issue date: 
August 9, 2011

Including indigenous peoples and traditional knowledge in forest management key to REDD+ success

The full and effective engagement of indigenous peoples and the incorporation of traditional forest knowledge in forest management strategies are crucial for REDD+ success in curbing climate change, say experts ahead of the Inte

Issue date: 
August 08, 2011

Balancing agriculture and rainforest biodiversity in India’s Western Ghats

CITATION: M.O. Anand, Jagdish Krishnaswamy, Ajith Kumar, Archana Bali. Sustaining biodiversity conservation in human-modified landscapes in the Western Ghats: Remnant forests matter. Biological Conservation. 143 (2010) 2363–2374.

Issue date: 
August 4, 2011

IFC supports sustainable forestry management with financing and advisory services for SLV Bolivia

IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, will provide a $6 million loan and advisory services to veneer and plywood producer SLV Bolivia to support a business model that sources wood from sustainably managed natural fores

Issue date: 
8 August 2011

Forest certification: a small step towards sustainability

It can be hard to know whether the forest products you buy have been produced sustainably. Forestry certifications were established to give a bit more certainty, but what do they really mean? When you buy a certified product, are you necessarily helping the environment?


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by Dr. Radut