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Nachhaltige Forstwirtschaft

Issue date: 
July 29, 2011

Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation is knocking at the door of Pakistan: IG, Forests

Islamabad: Experts and analysts said the REDD+ is a new a commodity and a balanced relationship among forest stakeholders such as indigenous communities, national government and private sector would create opportunities and benefits for them.

Issue date: 
August 1, 2011

Dovetail Partners Releases New Report on Bioenergy

A new report from Dovetail Partners evaluates the life cycle impacts of forest management and bioenergy. The report reviews new research findings addressing the potential role of forests in bioenergy development in the context of sustainable forest management.

Issue date: 

Struggle about sustainable forestry in Malaysia

Prof. dr. Helias Udo de Haes (CML), member of the Dutch Timber Procurement Assessment Committtee (TPAC), describes the newest development on the advice of the committee about forestry in Malaysia to the Dutch government.

Issue date: 

FRA Welcomes Sustainable Forestry Initiative Pilot Bioenergy Project

A new woody biomass procurement project, launched by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI), has attracted support from Forestry Research Associates (FRA).

The research and advisory consultancy provides fresh outlooks and consultancy services on all matters surrounding forestry investment, sustainability and forestry management and has spoken out in support of the new pilot scheme. The plan is to support sustainable forestry management by helping US-based bioenergy companies to purchase woody biomass.

Issue date: 
8 July 2011

Would you trust a management consultant with the world's rainforests?

The two most dreaded words in any office are the same – management consultants. Their arrival rumbles through a workplace like the approaching thwump-thwump of the T-Rex in Jurassic Park, rattling our desks and making us all fear we will be picked up and gored at random.

Issue date: 
July1, 2011

Biodiversity Conservation through Sustainable Forest Management by Local Communities

Document Number: 


Type of Project: 


Issue date: 
June 29, 2011

Maathai calls for action on climate change

"Climate change does not affect everyone equally," says Wangari Maathai, who won her Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 for her work linking the environment, peace and sustainable development, while promoting democracy in Kenya.  "Here in Africa, we are paying a high price for a rapidly changing climate - more droughts, food crises and it is set only to get worse.  We can see how climate change is already aggravating the competition for resources and the economic stability all over this continent."

Issue date: 
01 Aug 2011

Zanzibar's preparations for carbon trade helping poor

KITOGANI, Tanzania (AlertNet) – Are Zanzibar’s preparations to participate in carbon trading reaping benefits for the poor? Just ask Zanzibar’s Fatuma Mchezo.

Issue date: 
15 July 2011

Sir James Mitchell brings sustainable forestry investors to President Jagdeo

Former St Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister Sir James Mitchell renewed his acquaintance with President Bharrat Jagdeo during a courtesy visit today. He was accompanied by a team of investors in sustainable forestry, interested in Guyana. The team from the F.T.I Timber Growth Fund Limited, a European based company operating in the Roraima state of Brazil included, Board Chairman Marcus Valentine and Operations Consultant John Edwards among others.

Issue date: 

Financing sustainable forest management: How to finance sustainable forest management to avoid deforestation and forest degradation

Despite the adoption of many international agreements over the last decades, degradation of forests and deforestation has continued.


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by Dr. Radut