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Nachhaltige Waldwirtschaft

Issue date: 
November 23, 2011

Depleting of Forest in Ghana worrying – Minister

Mr Mike Hammah, Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, on Tuesday expressed concern about the rate at which the country’s forest was depleting and said Government needed to update laws on forest and natural resources.

Issue date: 
December 19th, 2011

Freedom of information requests expose fines in B.C.’s forest industry

The Vancouver Sun has been investigating salvage logging of pine forests in British Columbia.

Issue date: 
December 7, 2011

Pine beetle plague is being exploited to cut healthy trees

Ask who caused this plague destroying our province's biodiversity.

Those who go to our backcountry are familiar with our huge clearcuts and the damage done.

Issue date: 
December 7, 2011

Pine beetle plague is being exploited to cut healthy trees

I wish to commend The Sun and Larry Pynn for the excellent series of articles "In the Wake of a Plague." This sober second look at the issues and myths surrounding the mountain pine beetle panic is long overdue.

Issue date: 
December 7, 2011

Forestry's 'perfect storm'

The Chilcotin's beetle-killed lodge-pole pine forests are saturated with water. The harvesting crews have been sent home. And logging trucks known as Super-B Trains, hauling 300 to 400 logs apiece, are inching their way through deep mud wallows.

Issue date: 
December 7, 2011

'It looks like Armageddon': The destruction of B.C. pine forests

VANCOUVER - Debbie Atha had a dream that went like this: Gregarious woman approaching 30 quits her well-paying pharmaceutical sales job in England to move to the B.C. Interior to invest her time and money building a dude ranch.

Issue date: 
December 7, 2011

Pine beetles part 3: A flood of problems for ranchers

Watching the pine beetles kill off the Chilcotin's vast stands of lodgepole pine forest was bad enough for cattle rancher Randy Saugstad.

Issue date: 
Dec. 19, 2011

Rain Forest for Ransom

TIME MAGAZINE - The canoes slip away from the dock, the morning mist still clinging to Anangucocha Lake in eastern Ecuador's Yasuni National Park. The water is the ink black of old tea, the paddles vanishing beneath the surface with every stroke.

Issue date: 
15 Dec 2011

Out of the shade

Trees are Themba Radebe’s life. In 2007 he realised a dream by buying a gum tree plantation after working for forestry and packaging company Mondi for almost 20 years.

Issue date: 
Wednesday, 14 Dec 2011

Forest land transfers, deforestation spiral out of control

Lahore - A study commissioned by the Scientific Committee of WWF Pakistan has revealed that a startling area of forest land has been transferred over for non-forest uses since 1947. This is most rampant in Sindh and Punjab.


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by Dr. Radut