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Nachhaltige Waldwirtschaft

Issue date: 
December 13, 2011

Sustainable Forest Management and Carbon Stocks

Sustainable forest management (SFM) ensures the continuous flow of wood products and employment while improving the functionalities of forests.

Issue date: 
December 13, 2011

Adding vast forests to cut climate change could boomerang, study says

“There are lots of reasons why planting trees is a good thing,” said Abigail Swann, Giorgio Ruffolo Post-Doctoral Fellow in Sustainability Science. “There are many local benefits.

Issue date: 

Mutagamba Frustrated By National Forestry Authority Leadership

Water and Environment Minister, Maria Mutagamba says she is frustrated by people she appoints to head National Forestry Authority but end up being involved in corruption scandals.

Water and Environment Minister, Maria Mutagamba says she is frustrated by people she appoints to head National Forestry Authority but end up being involved in corruption scandals.

Mutagamba says many of the officials she has appointed to the Forestry Authority board go through scrutiny by state security agencies but turn out to be corrupt when they take up office.

Issue date: 
4th December 2011

Dar`s $85m deal at crossroads as deforestation worsens

Tanzania fears that failure to agree on ways to fund a scheme to protect forests at the ongoing UN climate change meeting may risk national efforts to fight deforestation.

Issue date: 
2 December 2011

Japan to continue supporting forestry projects in India

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Friday said it will continue to support forestry projects in India by making focussed efforts to rejuvenate the forests and help communities earn a sustainable livelihood.

Issue date: 
1 December, 2011

Forested countries need reassurance that “massive investment” in REDD+ will pay off

Developed countries must commit to long-term climate financing and encourage multiple funding pathways to reassure forested countries that their “massive investment” in REDD+ will pay off.

Issue date: 
Dec 3, 2011

Mozambique's new forests may not be as green as they seem

MAPUTO — Foreign companies are spending billions of dollars to plant forests in Mozambique, but conservationists fear the investments aren't as good for the environment as they might initially seem.

Issue date: 
5 December 2011

Africa's Shrinking Forests Need Urgent Help, Climate Change Talks Hear (AfDB)

Forests take up a huge amount of the continent, but are one of Africa's most misunderstood and undervalued natural resources.

Issue date: 
December 06, 2011

Events Update: Summary of Forest day 5

The fifth Forest Day took place in Durban, South Africa, in parallel with the UN Durban Climate Change Conference, which convened from 28 November – 9 December 2011.

Issue date: 
05 December 2011

Malaysia Maintains 56.4 Per Cent Of Land Area As Forested Land

Malaysia is still able to maintain 56.4 per cent of its total land area as forested land, Natural Resources and Environment Minister Datuk Seri Douglas Uggah Embas said Monday.

He described it as an encouraging achievement because many countries were not able to do so as their forest areas had been opened for development.


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by Dr. Radut