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Sustainable forest management

Issue date: 
Feb 17, 2011

Japan offers emission reduction exchange mechanism with RI

Jakarta, Feb 15 (ANTARA) - Japanese entrepreneurs grouped in Keidanren offer to establish a mechanism for emission reduction exchange with Indonesia, Vice President Boediono`s spokesman said here Monday.

"Keidanren offers a carbon emission exhange system with Indonesia, and Japan will provide sophisticated and inexpensive technology," said Yopie Hidayat at the Vice President`s office after accompanying Boediono at the meeting with the head of Keidanren, Hiromasa Yonekura, here Monday.

Issue date: 
15 February 2011

Nigeria to earn N34.44 billion yearly in tree planting

If tree planting programme initiated by the Federal Government is taken seriously, the way it should, Nigeria stands to generate a revenue of about N34.44 billion yearly.

Issue date: 
February 15, 2011

The forest and the trees

Issue date: 
February 16, 2011

UK pledges support for Nigeria’s environmental programmes

The British government will support Nigeria’s effort to manage her environment through reduction of carbon emission, Henry Bellingham, British minister for Africa and the United Nations, said yesterday in Abuja.

Issue date: 
16 February 2011

What wood you do to stop this?

The government's announcement that it is postponing the sale of 15 per cent of the Forestry Commission estate, in order to review the site-by-site criteria for disposal is a first victory in the massive grass-roots anti-privatisation campaign.

Issue date: 
18 February 2011

For the love of markets

Issue date: 
February 16, 2011

Rwanda Launches Plan to Reverse Environmental Degradation

Rwanda, the most densely populated nation in Sub-Saharan Africa, has launched a national plan to reverse the current degradation of soil, land, water and forest resources by 2035 while boosting economic development growth.

Issue date: 
Feb 17, 2011

Gender and Sustainable Forest Management in East Africa and Latin America

Issue date: 
Feb 17, 2011

The Context of REDD+ in Cameroon

Issue date: 
Feb 15, 2011

Central America Has Highest Rate of Forest Loss in Region

FAO's State of the World’s Forests report says the average rate of loss of forest cover in Central America, which is made up of Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala City, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama, was 1.19 percent a year between 2000 and 2010, compared to a global rate of just 0.13 percent.

The region's forested area shrank from 21.9 million hectares in 2000 to 19.4 million hectares in 2010.


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by Dr. Radut