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Sustainable forest management

Issue date: 
15 November 2012

The GM tree plantations bred to satisfy the world's energy needs

It's a timber company's dream but a horrific industrial vision for others: massive plantations of densely planted GM eucalyptus trees stretching across

Issue date: 
21 November 2012

Ghana To Get $50m For Sustainable Management Of Forests

hana and Burkina Faso have received endorsement of their far-reaching plans for sustainably managing their forest sectors as part of their goals for climate-resilient economic development.

Issue date: 
Sun, 2 Dec 2012

Forests key to protecting economic growth, social progress - experts

Forests must be fully valued for their contribution to economic growth and social progress, and included in the next set of global development goals, experts and officials told a forest conference on Sunday.

Issue date: 
November 30th, 2012

Stepping out of the REDD+ Shadow – Forests and Adaptation

For those of us with hazy recollections of the middle of the last decade, it is easy to forget that when REDD+ was assigned to the mitigation stream under the UNFCCC, many commentators, including indigenous peoples, thought it should straddle both adaptation and mitigation

Issue date: 

Amazonas Florestal, Ltd., Sustainable Forest Management Company, Issues First Annual CEO Letter to Shareholders

Amazonas Florestal, Ltd. (OTCPK: AZFL), a diversified forest management company generating profit through innovative, sustainable forest management, today released a letter from President & CEO Michael Ibar to its shareholders:


Issue date: 
November 9, 2012

Unlocking National Opportunities: New Insights on Financing Sustainable Forest and Land Management

Issue date: 
28 October 2012

MINEPAT Evaluates Japan Funded Programme on Forest Governance

Issue date: 
October 22, 2012

Costa Rica scripts a new chapter in forest carbon finance

Thick cloudy skies subdued the sunlight on an autumnal day in Paris. That did not stop the group of representatives from the public and private sector attending the 5th Carbon Fund Meeting of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) from making a decision that is a major milestone.

Issue date: 
October 22, 2012

Turning Forests into Carbon Banks

For decades, Lock Haven, Pa., has secured its municipal water supply from 5,200 acres of city-owned forest in northern Pennsylvania’s Appalachian Mountains. In the past, the city kept its water rates down by logging hemlock, hardwoods and other timber from the property.

Issue date: 
October 18th, 2012

Letter from Steve Thomson, BC’s Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations regarding timber supply action plan

With the release of ‘Beyond the Beetle: A Mid-Term Timber Supply Action Plan’, we have outlined a clear strategy to help our forests recover from the damage done by the mountain pine beetle infestation.


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by Dr. Radut