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Sustainable forest management

Issue date: 

PROPARCO supports sustainable forest management in Africa

Issue date: 
July 20th, 2011

Wood-to-Energy Roadmap Emphasizes Sustainable Forest Management

The smell of smoke still lingers from wildfires that recently ravaged more than 1,000 square miles in Arizona. The conflagrations have underscored the importance of good forest management.

Issue date: 
27 July 2011

No group of Amerindians living in voluntary isolation

TOSHAOS and Regional Chairmen of the 10 administrative regions yesterday declared that Guyana does not have any existing group of indigenous people living in isolation. This declaration came following a presentation by Project Coordinator- Ministry of Amerindian Affairs, Sharon Austin, on the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organisation (ACTO) with particular emphasis on indigenous peoples living in voluntary isolation and initial contact.

Issue date: 

GOB “fiddling” while Guats continue raping Chiquibul Forest!

Over the course of the past year, 300 acres inside the Chiquibul Forest have been hacked, and the razed portions of the forest to date amount to 13,000 acres – larger than Belize City. That is according to Rafael Manzanero, the executive director of Friends for Conservation and Development (FCD), who spoke with Amandala today, Thursday, in Belmopan.
Issue date: 
Jul 28, 2011

Host Country Agreement signed between Spain and EFI

A Host Country Agreement has been signed by the Kingdom of Spain and the European Forest Institute. The agreement was signed yesterday by Cristina Garmendia Mendizabal, Minister for Science and Innovation of Spain and Risto Päivinen, Director of EFI.

Issue date: 
24 Jul 2011


* Credits to reduce deforestation and degradation (REDD)

* Each is for a tonne of CO2 saved by unfelled forest

* So far demand is only in a small, thin voluntary market


By Valerie Volcovici, Point Carbon News

Issue date: 
14 July 2011

World Bank Approves GEF Project on REDD+ in the Congo Basin

The World Bank approved a US$13 million project from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to strengthen the capacities of the Congo Basin countries on issues related to REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries, as well as conservation, sustainab

Issue date: 
25 July 2011

How WWF works with the logging companies

Issue date: 
25th July 2011

WWF timber scheme allows illegal logging, forest destruction and fails to prevent human rights abuses

Click here to read this release in 


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by Dr. Radut