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Issue date: 

UK fund targets CO2 credits from areas in Brazil’s Amazon

The Brazilian Amazon state of Amapa has given a British investment fund the right to draw up avoided deforestation projects for an area covering 1.3 million hectares, the latest in a string of deals in the region.

Issue date: 

Equity has a cost

This is the second in a series of guest contributions focussed on sharing local experiences from around the world in developing and implementing safeguards in REDD+.

Issue date: 
Jun 28, 2012

BluForest Inc. Acquires 30,000 Hectares of Forest in Ecuadorian Amazon

BluForest Inc. today announced that it has acquired 30,000 hectares of native forest in the province of Esmaraldas in Ecuador.

Issue date: 

The false solutions of Rio+20

As evening falls, Albertina Francisco*, a farmer from the Nhambita community in Sofala province, Mozambique, returns home. She is tired after another day of work at her machamba (a term used in Mozambique to refer to a patch of farmland).

Issue date: 
July 05, 2012

Forestry carbon farming stunted by ETS decision

Changes to the emissions trading scheme will stop investment in one of New Zealand's most important sources of future carbon emissions reduction - forestry "carbon farming", says Carbon Farm chief executive Murray McClintock.

Issue date: 
June 20, 2012

The case for “living” carbon credits

Issue date: 
June 13, 2012

'Offsetting' Campaign To Save Forests To Be Announced At Rio+20

Five major corporations will join the emergency campaign to save the world's threatened forests by pledging to buy REDD multimillion dollar credits from projects protecting threatened forests around the world, the campaign announced Tuesday at the U.N.

Issue date: 
Jun 14, 2012

Asia CDM Stakeholder Consultations and Implications for CDM AR & REDD+

A CDM policy dialogue with Asian stakeholders took place in Bangkok from 7-8 June 2012. Asia has more than 80% of the registered CDM projects in the world.

Issue date: 
May 30, 2012

Disagreement on REDD finance at the “stalemate” climate negotiations in Bonn

Last year, emissions of carbon dioxide increased by 3.2% to 31.6 billion tonnes, according to figures released by the International Energy Agency.

Issue date: 
31 May 2012

Corporates push voluntary carbon market to highest level since 2008

Transactions of voluntary carbon credits grew to $576m last year, defying the sluggish economy by reaching the highest level since 2008, with corporate buyers making up the vast majority of purchases.


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by Dr. Radut