Reduction of emission from deforestation and degradation
Issue date:
Jan 26, 2012
Rise and spread of national and sub-national forest carbon schemes
International climate change negotiations at COP17 in Durban, December 2011 saw further developments on the proposed REDD+ mechanism to reduce forest-based emissions and enhance forest carbon sinks.
(Reuters) - The World Bank's carbon finance initiatives will likely be needed for at least five years, as the United Nations struggles to create a self-sufficient, int
The 17th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (CP17) and 7th session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP7) held in Durban, South Africa, from 28th November to 11th December 2011 each produced landmark decisions.
National Consultative Workshop on REDD+ Safeguards
As you know, the National Consultative Workshop on “Social and Environmental Principles and Criteria for REDD+ Safeguards” held on January 12, 2012 at Islamabad, Which was inaugurated by the Mr. Mohammad Javed Malik, Federal Secretary, Ministry of National Disaster Management.
Small farmers in big industry earn consistent income
Smallholders, with less than 50 ha in Malaysia, are earning a steady income from the production of palm oil, which is linked to the large-scale corporate industry manufacturing oils, cosmetics components, biofuels, natural fertilisers and soaps, says Malaysian Minister of plantation industries an
This presentation was made on 10th April, 2011 at the REDD+ Partnership meeting and workshop held in Bangkok, Thailand. The presentation discusses Japan’s involvement in REDD+ activities.
Engaging the Private Sector in the Potential Generation of REDD+ Carbon Credits : An Analysis of Issues
Climate Focus led a team of experts to analyze opportunities for involving the private sector in the generation of REDD+ credits for the UK Department for International Development (DFID).
Proposals from the Private Sector for Engagement at Scale in REDD+
In response to requests by senior representatives of leading companies, this project of the World Economic Forum aims to identify opportunities for greater engagement and investment in REDD+ activities for the private sector across the value chain, including by addressing drivers of deforestation