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Issue date: 
30 September 2011

Forest carbon markets grow, despite uncertainty

A surge in activity around projects that reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) has helped boost the value of the forest carbon markets – despite lingering uncertainty about their future, according to a survey.

Issue date: 
September 30, 2011

Fewer Farms = More Forest = Less Biodiversity?

If clearing tropical forests for agriculture is a major cause of the ongoing catastrophic decline in biodiversity, conventional thinking would have us believe that reducing the number of farms and allowing the forests to expand should help reverse that decline, at least locally.

Issue date: 
Oct 2, 2011

Factbox: Australia-Norway plan to rescue U.N. climate talks

(Reuters) - Australia and Norway have crafted a proposal they hope will get troubled global climate talks back on track and win agreement on a broader climate pact by 2015.

Issue date: 
September 30, 2011

The Emerging Market for Forest and Land-Use Carbon

This report was prepared by Terra Global Investment Management, LLC the investment manager of the Terra Bella Forest and Land-Use Carbon Fund, a Luxembourg SIF-SICAV currently in structuring and capital raising.

Issue date: 
Oct 3, 2011

Stora Enso and SRV Plan in Co-operation to Build a World-class Wood City

Helsinki, Finland, Oct 3, 2011 - Stora Enso plans to undertake a unique wooden construction project in Finland called Wood City in collaboration with the construction company SRV.

Issue date: 
04 Oct 2011

Congo businessman blazes carbon-market trail for Africa

IBI, Democratic Republic of Congo (AlertNet) - A Congolese businessman has become the first private investor in Africa to win approval to sell carbon credits earned from restoring tropical rainforest on the Kyoto Protocol’s carbon market.

Issue date: 
Oct 5 2011

Södra’s new sawmill offers pulp benefits

Södra’s new Värö sawmill was inaugurated this week by Swedish Minister for Trade, Ewa Björling. A key part of the project is the location of the new sawmill adjacent to Södra’s Värö pulp mill.

Issue date: 
October 6, 2011

Q and A: Forests and Climate

Reading about declining forests, the problem seems overwhelming. So I’m wondering: What can I do at a personal level?

Issue date: 
Oct 05, 2011

Lao-German REDD+ project pioneers FPIC in Sayabouri Province, Laos

Villagers around the Nam Phui NPA will become the first in Laos to formally give consent on whether or not to participate in a REDD+ project. Representatives from GIZ and LBA clarify the why, who and how behind Laos’ pioneer FPIC (Free, Prior and Informed Consent) process while Mr.

Issue date: 
October, 04 2011

PM earmarks $30m for forestry sector

HA NOI — Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has approved an additional US$30 million to develop the forestry sector. The funds, from the World Bank's International Development Association, bring the total received to $99.8 million.


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by Dr. Radut