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Issue date: 
13 September 2011

Finance sector favours ‘nested’ approach to REDD+

A hybrid mechanism, in which tradable credits can be issued directly to forest carbon projects, as well as to national governments, is the clear preference of the private finance sector for rewarding projects that reduce deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+), according to a report from the

Issue date: 
12 September 2011

Old growths remove 2.4 billion tonnes of carbon per year

The report, funded by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, the Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO, has also found deforestation emits more carbon emissions than previously thought—a staggering 2.9 billion tonnes of CO2 per year

Issue date: 
6 May, 2011

REDDy – Set – Grow: Financial leaders call for investors-friendly forest-carbon market at UNEP FI report launch

Leading financial institutions upped the ante on their future role in mitigating climate change as they called for more effective forest-carbon regulations on the occasion of a UNEP FI report launch at the Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s European headquarters in London.

Issue date: 
14 September 2011

Primary forests are irreplaceable for sustaining tropical biodiversity

Human-driven land-use changes increasingly threaten biodiversity, particularly in tropical forests where both species diversity and human pressures on natural environments are high

Issue date: 
13 September 2011

UNEP Risoe launches NAMA database

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Risoe Centre has launched the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) Pipeline and Analysis Database. The database contains all submissions from developing countries and countries with economies in transition to the UNFCCC for NAMAs.

Issue date: 
14 September 2011

Biomass Energy Drives Global Land Rush

By Lorenzo Cotula (PhD), lorenzo.cotula@iied.org, senior researcher at the International Institute of Environment and Development, UK

Issue date: 
September 15th, 2011

Metso shuffles business units, foresees growth in biopower

Metso Corp.’s Board of Directors has decided to modify the company’s business structure in order to more effectively reach the company’s future business targets.

Issue date: 
September 12, 2011

Japan still matters to the B.C. economy

Canadians are coming to recognize that the balance of power in the international economy is shifting inexorably toward Asia. Already home to three-fifths of humanity, the next two decades will see Asia grow to account for half or more of global output.

Issue date: 
September 13, 2011

Rimba Raya debacle casts pall over Indonesian REDD

The world has eagerly watched as Indonesia pilots public and private investments to curb the country’s massive forest losses while still meeting economic development goals.  But conflicting interests between the nation’s leadership turned ugly last month when a leading forest conservation project

Issue date: 
12 Sep 2011

A Huge Oil Palm Plantation Puts African Rainforest at Risk

Industrial palm oil production is coming to Africa, its ancestral home. The world’s most productive oil seed has been a boon to Asian economies, but the looming arrival of large-scale plantations in Africa is raising fears that some of the same issues plaguing Malaysia, Indonesia, and other leading producers — deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity loss, conflicts with local people, and poor working conditions — could befall one of the world’s most destitute regions.


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by Dr. Radut