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External News

Issue date: 
Sep 5, 2011

Pöyry Launches Green Mill Index(TM) for The Pulp And Paper Industry

Finland, Sep 5, 2011 - Pöyry has released an index for analyzing the environmental sustainability of pulp and paper mills.

Issue date: 
Sep 6, 2011

Metsä-Botnia Participates in Plans to Construct a Biorefinery in Joutseno

Finland, Sep 6, 2011 - Metsä-Botnia, part of Metsäliitto Group, is participating in a feasibility study with energy companies Gasum and Helsingin Energia into constructing a biorefinery for biogas production in Joutseno, southeastern Finland. If realised, the biorefinery would produce biogas from renewable wood raw material for transmission to usage sites such as Helsinki Energy’s Vuosaari power plant via the Finnish natural gas network.

Issue date: 
September 7th

So what happens now to the plan to burn wood for power in Port Hawkesbury?

Remember the plan to burn wood in Port Hawkesbury to create power for Nova Scotia Power?

You may have been thinking that plan was dead now that the NewPage mill is being idled, but you may be wrong.

Issue date: 
September 5, 2011

Estimating Reference Emission Level and Project Emission Level for REDD Projects in Tropical Forests

The REDD scheme of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is a carbon-based compensation for projects that resulted in reducing carbon emissions or enhancing carbon sinks or both in tropical forests.

Issue date: 
September 6, 2011

The REDD Market Should Not End Up a Subprime House of Cards: Introducing a New REDD Architecture for Environmental Integrity

Issue date: 
Sep 8th, 2011

Breaking Walls, Building Bridges: Conflict Management in the Tropical Timber Industry

Clashing interests and values over the use of forestland, the rap

Issue date: 
Sep 8th, 2011

Effectiveness of Strict vs. Multiple Use Protected Areas in Reducing Tropical Forest Fires: A Global Analysis Using Matching Methods

Protected areas (PAs) cover a quarter of the tropical forest estate. Yet there is debate over the effectiveness of PAs in reducing deforestation, especially when local people have rights to use the forest.

Issue date: 
Sep 8th, 2011

Too Much Focus on Forest Conservation, Too Little on Food

Proper attention needs to be given to livelihood improvement. Forest protection is an important objective, yet local livelihoods, particularly food security of local people, needs to be taken into account.

Issue date: 
September 15, 2011

Natural Resource Governance Trainer's Manual

Governance is the keystone of sound natural resource management.

Issue date: 
7 Sep 2011

1st APEC Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Forestry release Beijing Statement on Forests and Forestry


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by Dr. Radut