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External News

Issue date: 
July 25, 2011

REDD+ Finance – is the money reaching the forests?

In recent years the transfer of climate finance has emerged as a policy response to equitably addressing climate change mitigation and adaption in developing countries.

Issue date: 
July 27, 2011

Palm oil, paper drive large-scale destruction of Indonesia's forests, but account for diminishing role in economy, says report mongabay.com

Indonesia's forests were cleared at a rate of 1.5 million hectares per year between 2000 and 2009, reports a new satellite-based assessment by Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI), an NGO. Expansion of oil palm and wood-pulp plantations were the biggest drivers of deforestation, yet account for a declining share of the national economy.

Issue date: 
24 Jul 2011


* Credits to reduce deforestation and degradation (REDD)

* Each is for a tonne of CO2 saved by unfelled forest

* So far demand is only in a small, thin voluntary market


By Valerie Volcovici, Point Carbon News

Issue date: 
25 July 2011

Ethiopia gives farmland to foreigners while thousands starve

A Survival investigation has uncovered alarming evidence that some of Ethiopia’s most productive farmland is being stolen from local tribes and leased to foreign companies to grow and export food – while thousands of its citizens starve during the devastating drought.

Issue date: 
14 July 2011

New Methodology for Measuring Emission Reductions from Reduced Deforestation Stands to Unlock Carbon Revenues for Poor Communities

A new methodology for quantifying emission reductions from projects that reduce unplanned deforestation could help unlock carbon market revenues for countries and poor communities across Africa, Asia and Latin America, boosting the conservation of forests and creating new livelihoods.

Issue date: 
Jul 24, 2011

The Rise of China’s ‘Paper Industry’ – APP Report Highlights the Increasing Global Prominence of China’s Paper Industry

The rapid development of China’s paper industries is highlighted in the latest edition of the ‘Paper Contract with China Report’ from APP-China.

The emergence of high-growth paper companies in the developing countries of Asia, and particularly in China, is redefining the global pulp and paper market, following years of investment in new technology and environmental innovation.

Issue date: 
Jul 26, 2011

EU Timber Regulation Support Study - final report

The final report of the Support study for development of the non-legislative acts provided for in the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down the obligations of operators who place timber and timber products on the market (often referred to as the EUTR Support Study)

Issue date: 
14 July 2011

World Bank Approves GEF Project on REDD+ in the Congo Basin

The World Bank approved a US$13 million project from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to strengthen the capacities of the Congo Basin countries on issues related to REDD+ (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries, as well as conservation, sustainab

Issue date: 
25 July 2011

How WWF works with the logging companies

Issue date: 
25th July 2011

WWF timber scheme allows illegal logging, forest destruction and fails to prevent human rights abuses

Click here to read this release in 


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by Dr. Radut