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External News

Issue date: 
9 June 2011

Germany's Withdrawal of Funding Threatens Plan to Save Ecuador Forest


Issue date: 
June 12, 2011

World Bank Blamed for Fuelling Climate Chaos

BONN (IDN) - Reflecting profound concerns of developing countries, a new report has strongly criticised the World Bank group for promoting false solutions to climate change, such as carbon trading, megadams, agrofuels and industrial monoculture tree plantations.

Issue date: 
June 12, 2011

Environment versus economy: local communities find economic benefits from living next to conservation areas

Issue date: 
8 June, 2011

Global demand for beef and soy challenges South American tropical forest conservation

MELBOURNE, Australia (8 June, 2011)_Market forces and policies encouraging economic growth are having a increasingly large influence in shaping forest landscape transformation in South America, according to a recent research paper.

Issue date: 
Jun 10, 2011

World Bank Prototype Carbon Fund Syndicate Agreement Extended Through 2023

The World Bank’s Prototype Carbon Fund extended an agreement until as late as 2023 to help govern the syndicate including six governments and 16 companies.

Issue date: 
June 06, 2011

South Sudan’s tropical forests fast disappearing

South Sudan’s tropical montane forests are fast disappearing according to new analysis by PRINS Engineering. At current rates, Mount Dongotomea, located in South Sudan’s most biodiverse ecosystem, could be completely stripped of tree cover by 2020.

Issue date: 
June 06, 2011

Ecosystem Goods and Services from Plantation Forests

Issue date: 

REDD+ strategies lack plan for agriculture

Even as countries cite farm expansion as main cause of forest loss, research finds gap between climate 'promises' and farm policies

Issue date: 
07 Jun 2011

Report: Tropical timber trade boosts sustainable management

Issue date: 
13 July, 2010

UPM agrees on sustainable forestry in Minnesota


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by Dr. Radut