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External News

Issue date: 
June 01, 2011

REDD ++ and mass amnesia?

Dear colleagues,

Kees Stigter and Mohan Reddy Vishwavaram make a fair point in their article "A Plea for a REDD++ approach". Having said that it seems we, the environmentally conscious community-of-practice are either suffering from mass amnesia, or are determined to remain on the fringe of global development/environmental discourse or we are simply talking past one another.

Issue date: 
June 01, 2011

A plea for a REDD plus plus approach

There has recently been quite some discussion on the REDD planning, with REDD the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation. This also applies to Indonesia and India, where we live.

Issue date: 
June 3, 2011

Carbon projects first to reach verification status for well regarded CCB standards

Issue date: 
1 June 2011

Brazil approves Belo Monte hydroelectric dam

Issue date: 
May 30, 2011

New round of pulp and paper expansion in Indonesia

Issue date: 
Jun 2, 2011

Climate action faces legal gap, no deal this year

Issue date: 
1 June 2011

World Bank warns of 'failing' international carbon market

Issue date: 
May 31, 2011

Congo's poor need incentives to save giant forest

Simon Kasagana knows his meager livelihood depends on the forest, but like many others eking out a living in the vast Congo basin, he has little choice but to destroy it.

Issue date: 
Jun 4, 2011

Forest summit promises closer ties for poor nations

BRAZZAVILLE (Reuters) - Leaders from the world's three largest forest basins said they would work together to tackle deforestation, on the final day of a weeklong conference, in Brazzaville.

Issue date: 
06 June 2011

Guyana, Congo ink five-year agreement to enhance sustainable management of forest


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by Dr. Radut