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Issue date: 
March 07, 2011

Stopping export logging, oil palm expansion in PNG in 2012 would cost $1.8b, says economist

Stopping logging for timber export and conversion of forest for oil palm plantations would cost Papua New Guinea roughly $1.8 billion dollars from 2012 to 2025, but would significantly reduce the country's greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new analysis published by an economist from the University of Queensland.

Issue date: 
7 Mar 2011

Forest loss threatens Sierra Leone water supplies

FREETOWN (Reuters Life!) - The slopes of Leicester Peak, a protected rainforest on a hill above Sierra Leone's capital, are a jumble of haphazard development and half-finished villas.

Issue date: 
March 08, 2011

Rise in Palm Oil Output May Help Satisfy Food Demand

Strong production of Southeast Asian palm oil is the best hope of boosting cooking oil supplies as soybean oil gets soaked up to make biofuel, its attraction redoubled by unrest in Libya that has driven crude oil to more than $100 per barrel.

Vegetable oil markets had braced for a fall in palm oil prices in the second half of 2010. They expected strong output from top producer Indonesia as it harvested a bigger acreage, and as No. 2 supplier Malaysia improved yields.

Issue date: 
March 7, 2011

Palm Oil Plantations Equal Deforestation

Issue date: 
Mar 8, 2011

Andritz Group: Favorable Business Development in 2010

Graz, Austria, Mar 8, 2011 - International technology Group ANDRITZ showed favorable business development in the 2010 business year:

Issue date: 
Mar 9, 2011

Land monitoring in the EU

European authorities develop a strategy to coordinate their data on land cover and land use

Issue date: 
09 March 2011

The Governor of Arkhangelsk Region to encourage the use of timber residues in biofuel

Ilya Mikhalchuk, the Governor of Arkhangelsk Region, held a meeting with Vladimir Shishov, the Vice-Governor for Natural Resources Management, Agricultural Sector and Ecology and Yuri Trubin, the Minister for Natural Resources and Timber Industry Complex of Arkhangelsk Region.

Issue date: 
March 9th, 2011

Pacheedaht First Nation to receive forest revenue returns

Pacheedaht First Nation is the 14th First Nation to sign a new type of agreement that sees a percentage of forestry revenue returned directly to the community, announced Forests, Mines and Lands Minister Pat Bell today.

Issue date: 
Mar 9, 2011

Pine Pulpwood Prices Driven by Bioenergy and OSB

Issue date: 
10 March 2011

Arkhangelsk International Forestry Forum will take place in April, 6-8


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by Dr. Radut